HARRISBURG, Pa. (Aug. 12, 2024) — Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA) members are invited to nominate reporters and editors for the 2024 PBA Media Awards honoring news, feature and editorial writing that increases the public’s understanding of the legal system and the courts.
The awards categories include:
- Newspapers: 30,000 or More Circulation.
- Newspapers: Under 30,000 Circulation.
- Editorial/Commentary.
- TV: Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Markets.
- TV: All Other Pa. Markets (excluding Philadelphia and Pittsburgh).
- Radio and Podcasts: All Pa. Markets.
Entries to be considered for plaques/certificates and cash prizes ($400 first-place awards and $100 second-place awards) must have been published between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024.
PBA members should submit the names of reporters and editors providing notable coverage about legal issues by email to [email protected]. PBA staff will contact reporters and/or their editors directly to request that an article or articles be entered into the competition.
The competition is coordinated by the PBA Bar/Press Committee.
More information is available at https://bit.ly/4dhxgfK.
The deadline for entries is Aug. 22.