Consumer Legal Information Pamphlets
What do I need to know about buying a house? What should I consider when planning my financial future? How can I avoid being a victim of identity theft?
Our lives are filled with consumer legal questions and the Pennsylvania Bar Association has answers to many of them. The PBA offers a popular series of pamphlets that explain – in layman’s terms – what legal issues we all need to consider during the major milestones, mishaps and challenges of life.
To print a free copy of a pamphlet, simply double click on any of the subjects of interest listed below. If you have difficulty downloading the pamphlet, call the PBA Member Service Center at 800-932-0311 or send an email to [email protected] to request a copy.
Bulk copies of these pamphlets are available. Each pamphlet may be purchased for $10 (plus tax) per set of 25 copies. PBA members are offered a discounted price of $6 per set. Click here for the order form.