The PBA hosts ListServs, which enable participating members to exchange e-mail concerning a wide variety of management, legal, and practice issues. Ideas, comments, and other content posted by members belong to the members who post them and do not become the property of the PBA. Further, use of any listserv for any purpose other than the exchange of information and ideas concerning matters related to legal practice is strictly prohibited. If you elect to post information on the PBA listservs, please post content that is on-topic, and do not post content that is illegal, offensive, or inappropriate. The PBA is not responsible for any material posted on any listserv. The PBA may monitor and/or remove any posted content on any listserv but does not represent that it will monitor and/or remove posted content even if made aware of problematic content. The PBA specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages which may result from content posted by you or other third parties. By using any PBA listserv, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the PBA against any claims or damages related to any content you post to a listserv. The PBA does not endorse the opinions or facts posted on any listserv. You are encouraged to independently validate the information obtained on any listserv.
Many PBA committees and sections have Listservs that allow their members to pose questions and offer answers to other members practicing within their areas of interest.
Each Listserv allows its members to distribute emails to its list of other members of the committee or section who subscribe to the Listserv.
To join a Listserv, a PBA member must first be member of the committee or section offering the Listserv.
Want to join a committee or section to access a Listserv?
Join a committee.
Join a section.
Ready to join a committee or section Listserv?
Complete the signup form.
Go to the Listerv FAQ for more information regarding Listserv use.
Committees and Sections Offering Their Members Access to Listservs
- Agricultural Law Committee
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee
- Animal Law Committee
- Appellate Advocacy Committee
- Charitable Organizations Committee
- Children’s Rights Committee
- Civil and Equal Rights Committee
- Civility in the Profession Committee
- Collaborative Law Committee
- Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Committtee
- Disability Services Committee
- Federal Practice Committee
- Gaming Law Committee
- Government Lawyers Committee
- Health Care Law Committee
- Immigration Law Committee
- In-House Counsel Committee
- Insurance Law Committee
- Legal Academics Committee
- Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility Committee
- Legal Services for Exceptional Children Committee
- Legal Services to the Public Committee
- LGBTQ+ Rights Committee
- Medical Marijuana and Hemp Law Committee
- Military and Veterans Affairs Committee
- Minority Bar Committee
- Plain English Committee
- Professional Liability Committee
- Senior Lawyers Committee
- Wellness and Well-being Committee
- Women in the Professional Commission
- Administrative Law Section
- Business Law Section
- Civil Litigation Section
- Criminal Law Section
- Education Law Section
- Elder Law Section
- Environmental and Energy Law Section
- Family Law Section
- Intellectual Property Law Section
- International and Comparative Law Section
- Labor and Employment Law Section
- Municipal Law Section
- Public Utility Law Section
- Real Property, Probate and Trust Section: Probate and Trust Division
- Real Property, Probate and Trust Section: Real Property Division
- Solo and Small Firm Section
- Tax Law Section
- Transportation, Aeronautical and Space Law Section
- Workers’ Compensation Law Section