The Section on Labor and Employment Law shall take as its province the development and practical working of the law relating to labor relations.
PBA Bylaws, Article VI, Section 648
The purposes of the Section shall be to (a) promote a more thorough understanding among members of the Bar of the legal problems encountered in the field of labor, employment and industrial relations within the Commonwealth; (b) provide to members of the Bar, particularly those interested in labor-management and employee relations, a means whereby that interest may be shared with others in programs of study and discussion or by means of reports, articles or conferences; (c) conceive and implement studies, programs, conferences and seminars in cooperation with local Bar Associations, employer associations, union organizations and educational institutions or other interested groups; (d) provide for the establishment of regular or special committees to report on legislative or administrative matters dealing with the labor and industrial relations field within the Commonwealth; (e) undertake such other activities as the Section may decide upon to further its basic purposes.
Article I, Section 2 of the By-Laws of the Section of Labor and Employment Law