Join a Section

PBA members are invited to join the PBA sections. Section membership is free for one-year for any PBA member who is joining that section for the first time or who has not belonged to that section for at least five years. (Limited to one free section membership.)

How to Join Sections

For more information about a particular section or sections, find links to section webpages here.

Learn about free section membership.

Ready to join? Go to the online store for section membership.

Law students receive free unlimited section membership, sign up here.

Administrative Law Section $25
The Administrative Law Section was established to observe and make recommendations, primarily at the state level, to improve the effectiveness of government-issued regulations. Members receive two e-newsletters each year.

Business Law Section $40
With an emphasis on commercial and corporate law as it is applied in Pennsylvania, this section focuses on legislation affecting businesses and corporate entities. Members have been actively pursuing revisions to the corporate law and the uniform commercial law.

Civil Litigation Section $45
The Civil Litigation Section focuses on practice standards and offers an annual CLE-based retreat and regional dinners for members to maintain their required credits and for networking with their peers. Through its newsletter the section also provides concise studies and timely information about recent court decisions on a variety of litigation matters as well as section news.

Criminal Justice Section $35
The Criminal Justice Section is concerned with protecting the rights of all individuals who are involved in criminal court proceedings. This is a chance for both defense and prosecution oriented members to be involved in issues related to the criminal justice system. Members receive three e-newsletters a year which lists and reviews decisions of recent criminal cases in Pennsylvania

Education Law Section $15
The Education Law Section is a resource for lawyers who concentrate on areas of the law that impact the field of education. Monthly section conference calls are open to all members where developments in this area of practice are shared.

Elder Law Section $45
The Elder Law Section studies, reviews and makes recommendations on legislation impacting the elder community and provides practical information to members through business meetings and the section listserv. Members receive four e-newsletters and additional electronic updates each year.

Environmental and Energy Law Section $25
Lawyers practicing environmental and/or energy law (and law students interested in pursuing a career in environmental and/or energy law) will find membership in this Section provides opportunities to develop friendships, mentorships, a forum to exchange views, and the ability to publish articles in our quarterly newsletter.  The Section supports the annual Environmental Law Forum, provides scholarships through the Pennsylvania Bar Foundation to minority law students, funds a summer internship, presents pro bono award, Lifetime Achievement Award, the Pennsylvania Lawyers United For Sustainability (PLUS) award, monitors legislation and provides opportunities for members to present lunch and learn programs.

Family Law Section $65
This section focuses its efforts on domestic issues including marriage, divorce, child custody, adoption and surrogate motherhood. The section holds an annual summer and winter meeting with CLE programs addressing these and other topics. Case law updates are also provided. A section newsletter distributed electronically four times a year is available to section members at no charge and offers reviews of recent legislation and court decisions related to family law.

Intellectual Property Law Section $45
The Intellectual Property Law Section furthers the development of laws and procedures related to intellectual property and works to simplify and improve the application of justice in intellectual property law. Monthly conference call speaker presentations are open to all section members and two e-newsletters are published each year.

International & Comparative Law Section $15
This section is particularly suited for lawyers working in multi-national corporations or who are exposed to legal systems in foreign countries. Members benefit from the section's work in monitoring treaties, immigration matters and events related to the World Court.

Labor & Employment Law Section $40
This section deals with all aspects of labor relations, including the relationship between labor unions and employees. It monitors legislative developments and judicial decisions. The section actively sponsors several CLE programs each year and provides law student scholarships for students to attend.

Municipal Law Section $15
Solicitors for any form of political subdivision other than a school system will find this section useful. The Municipal Law Section also appeals to lawyers who have as clients police departments, municipal authorities or individuals who deal with these entities. Section activities are reported to members in the section newsletter published twice a year.

Public Utility Law Section $35
Lawyers representing public utilities will find this section particularly useful. The section hosts networking events, volunteer opportunities and educational programs throughout the year.

Real Property Probate & Trust Law Section $35
This section concentrates on all things dealing with real estate and probate/trust law. There are two very active Listservs where section members share their knowledge and answer each other’s questions. The section council reviews pending legislation and, from time to time, proposes legislative solutions. The section newsletter, published twice a year, provides information about new cases and laws and section activities. The annual section retreat serves as both a CLE opportunity as well as a relaxing place for practitioners to gather together socially to network and put faces to the names of section leadership and colleagues. The section also promotes its practice areas by offering discounted attendance to members of the PBA Young Lawyers Division and by presenting its Trailblazer Award to a deserving young attorney each year.

Solo & Small Firm Section $40
The Solo and Small Firm Section is designed for lawyers whose practices cover a broad range of issues as individual practitioners. Members can benefit from an active listserv, informative e-newsletters and networking opportunities to gather information about the latest developments in law office management, automation and technology. The section holds meetings during PBA Committee Section Days, at the PBA Annual Meeting and at the annual Solo and Small Firm Practice Conference.

Tax Law Section $15
The Tax Law Section specializes in state and local tax issues, but also deals with problems in the federal tax system. This section plans educational programs and deals with practice development issues as needed.

Transportation, Aeronautical and Space Law Section $20
Lawyers working for firms specializing in aircraft and space industries and the military are likely to find this section the most beneficial. The section places a strong emphasis on aviation law such as airline regulations and on space-related matters.

Workers' Compensation Law Section $30
This section provides its members the opportunity to work closely with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers' Compensation on regulations and rules pertaining to workers' compensation claims. The section has a primary interest in the free and frequent exchange of information regarding legal developments, and in acting as a liaison with the Bureau of Workers' Compensation to ensure that the interests of claimants, employers and the lawyer community are protected fairly in the regulatory, legislative and administrative processes. The section holds an annual Fall Meeting which provides CLE programs and features outstanding speakers pertinent to this area of law. Members receive four e-newsletters each year which provides reports on recent, relevant court cases and presents a range of essays and case analyses.