This is the online legal community that provides information and resources for pro bono attorneys, legal aid attorneys, public defenders, and other legal advocates interested in increasing access to justice. Online Guide to Legal Information and Legal Services in Pennsylvania.
Pilot Pro Bono/Legal Aid Mediation Program: Summary and Registration Form
Wills for Heroes
A program co-sponsored by the PBA Young Lawyers Division, Wills for Heroes provides free, basic estate planning documents to first responders and veterans in Pennsylvania. As of November 2016 the program provided estate documents for more than 12,000 persons, making it the largest pro bono program sponsored by the PBA. Click here for more information on the program. Shown below at a Wills for Heroes event on Oct. 29, 2016, in Cumberland County during 2016 Pro Bono Week are (from left, standing) John Quirk, county 911 operations manager; volunteer Lori Stauffer; Christina Fisher, Wills for Heroes coordinator for Dauphin and Cumberland counties; volunteer Andrew Barbin; and Dickinson Law Clinic Director Megan Riesmeyer. Seated (from left) are Gabriele Miller-Wagner of the PBA Pro Bono Office and Dickinson 2L Lindsay Daniels.

Unified Judicial System Offers Online Information to Assist Those Wishing to Represent Themselves in Family Law Matters, Oct. 2, 2014
The Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania has begun offering online information to assist the growing number of Pennsylvanians who want to file their own family law cases in courts across the state. The material cautions that self-represented litigants are held to the same standards as attorneys and that self-representation does not exempt you from understanding and following statewide and local rules of court. Get more information on the UJS website.
U.S. Department of Justice Access to Justice Initiative Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable
Read more at and in the Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable Toolkit Overview. Also see Supporting Federal Efforts in the Department of Justice archives.
AOPC Report on Self-Represented Litigants, Aug. 26, 2013
PBA Pro Bono Mediation Project
Pennsylvania Law Schools
ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono & Public Service
ABA Center for Pro Bono Exchange Blog
The Legal Services Corporation, America's Partner for Equal Justice
Pro Bono Archives