"Becoming" Series
The PBA Young Lawyers Division created the Becoming Series to help young and new lawyers excel in their practices and service to clients. It’s “virtual mentorship,” as you learn from others who have successfully forged their careers and want to help you do the same.
Mock Trial
One of the largest in the nation, the PBA/YLD Mock Trial Competition gives over 290 high school student teams from across the state the opportunity to act as lawyers and witnesses in simulated civil trials before actual judges and panels of juries. Lawyers volunteer to assist students as team advisors, scorekeepers and regional coordinators. Each year, the winning team goes on to represent Pennsylvania in the national competition.
At Issue
At Issue is the award-winning quarterly newsletter of the PBA/YLD. The newsletter is designed to provide commentary on and analysis of issues, trends and views that are important to young lawyers. The articles are written in an engaging feature style and photos are frequently displayed of events involving young lawyers.
Wills for Heroes
A program co-sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Association's Young Lawyers Division, "Wills for Heroes" provides free basic estate planning documents to first responders and military veterans in Pennsylvania. "Wills for Heroes" provides police, fire, emergency medical personnel, other first responders and military veterans - those on the frontlines for our personal safety - the tools they need to prepare adequately for the future. Programs are staffed by lawyer volunteers and are conveniently offered to first responders at meeting halls and police and fire stations.
If you have an interest in any of the programs, please contact YLD Coordinator Maria Engles at [email protected] or 1-800-932-0311, Ext. 2223.
Project Linus
Project Linus was created to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers.”With chapters in all 50 states, Project Linus continues to grow. Blankets are collected locally and distributed to children in hospitals, shelters, social service agencies, or anywhere that a child might be in need of a big hug.