Environmental and Energy Law

The Section on Environmental and Energy Law shall take as its province the development and practical working of the law of this Commonwealth and the United States relating to the environment, ecology and mineral and natural resources, including air, water and land.

PBA Bylaws, Article VI, Section 636

Welcome to the web page for the Environmental and Energy Law Section (EELS).

The purposes of the Section are:

(a) To study and strive to improve the law and its operation, including by supporting education, in all phases relating to the environment, energy, ecology, mineral and natural resources in its broadest sense, including air, coal, hard minerals, natural gas, oil, water rights, land, and all products of mines, wells and quarries and energy issues

(b) To provide a forum for the exchange of views among members of the Section and with federal, state and municipal agencies administering such laws.

(c) To provide opportunities for the development of friendship and understanding among environmental, energy, mineral and natural resources lawyers including those employed by governmental agencies.

(d) To make such reports and recommendations as may be deemed useful or desirable to the public, the association and the Section.

The EELS has a 13 member council that includes the Section chair, vice chair, treasurer and secretary. Officers serve two-year terms. Council members serve three-year terms. EELS membership votes on council officers and council members at the annual meeting, normally held in April during the Environmental Law Forum.

What's New

1. We have revised our bylaws to include new standing committees and expand the number of Council members from 11 to 13.

2. Council Members

3. Mentoring program applications are now available. See the Mentorship Program qualifications and goals and sign up to be a Mentor or a Mentee.

4. Our latest Council Meeting Minutes are posted, as well as Committee meeting minutes.

Council meets monthly, usually by Zoom.

EELS has several active committees including Environmental, Energy, Membership and Diversity, Programs and Publications, and Awards. Click here for information and how to join one or more.

One of our top priorities is to increase the diversity of our membership. To that end, we have originated a Minority Scholarship for law students interested in entering the field of environmental and/or energy law. The scholarship is managed by the Pennsylvania Bar Foundation.

EELS sponsors a Summer Internship pro bono opportunity.

Under the About tab, learn how to join the Section, find Council officers and members, and a list of past Section chairs.

The PBA Listserv tab provides link to sign up for our Section Listserv. We use the Listserv to announce significant developments, job openings, and Section programs.

The News and Publications tab links to our quarterly newsletter, which reports on caselaw, legislation and regulatory developments.

The Meetings and Events tab links to Council Meeting Minutes, lists events such as the Annual Dinner and contains photos of Section activities.

Under the Projects and Programs tab, we provide the links for the Minority Scholarship Fund, Summer Internship, Mentoring, Pennsylvania Lawyers United for Sustainability (PLUS) program, and scholarships for law students to attend the Environmental Law Forum.

The Awards tab is where we post the recipient of the Section Lifetime Achievement Award and the PLUS Award recipients.

The Legislation and Recommendations tab is where we post the matrix of legislation we have tasked PBA Legislative Counsel with monitoring. On occasion, we suggest policy and resolutions for consideration by PBA Board of Governors and House of Delegates.

If you have any questions or want additional information, contact one of the officers or our PBA Staff Liaison, Melisa Spinelli.