Held each fall, this award-winning program gives students opportunities to learn about the Constitutions of the United States and Pennsylvania through fun and informative learning activities. The Pennsylvania Bar Association and Pennsylvania Bar Foundation provide resources to help teach students about their rights and responsibilities.
Many People. Many Beliefs. One Constitution.
Resources on the Constitution
Request copies of the Constitution Please note, we are only able to send constitutions to Pennsylvania addresses.
Held during the month of May, the PBA and county bar associations mark Law Day with classroom visits by judges and lawyers and with free law-related lessons plans for K-college classrooms.
This collection of lessons and lesson plans, developed by teachers and lawyers, is designed for K-12 students.
Civics and LRE Resouces
Judges and Lawyers in the Classroom
One of the largest in the nation, the PBA Statewide High School Mock Trial Program, coordinated by the PBA Young Lawyers Division, provides teams of students the opportunity to act as lawyers and witnesses in simulated trials before judges and juries.
Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Attorney General and the PBA, Project PEACE teaches students how to discuss and mediate their disagreements to reach peaceful resolutions.
This lawyer-led classroom program provides important information to graduating seniors and young adults aging out of foster care regarding their rights and responsibilities as adults and covers topics related to finances, employment, apartment rentals, car purchases, criminal law, marriage, divorce and social responsibility.
Teachers can update their contact information for law-related education programs through this easy-to-use online form.
The Pennsylvania Bar Association has partnered with Teen Screen on their Youth v. Gov program, which features a film following the lawsuit Juliana v. United States. The young citizens who filed the case argued the U.S. government violated their constitutional rights through their willing contributions to the climate crisis. After watching the film, PBA lawyers and judges provide virtual visits to discuss the film, the legal process of the case, and the complex relationships between our three branches of government. Teen Screen is a free education experience provided by Film Pittsburgh.
For more information about Youth v. Gov program, view this flyer.
To learn more and request a screening, please email Lori Sisson, [email protected].