You've invested time, money and brainpower (and your heart and soul!) to make the grade in law school. Soon, you face the biggest challenge yet - building a successful legal career.
Get the professional edge you need by joining the Pennsylvania Bar Association today! Begin taking advantage of the many benefits that go along with being part of Pennsylvania's largest bar association.
There is no cost to join - membership is free for law students who are registered in a Pennsylvania Law School: are a resident of Pennsylvania and registered in any law school accredited by the American Bar Association or who states a present intent to practice law in Pennsylvania after graduation from any American Bar Association accredited law school. Signing up is quick and easy - simply complete the online form.
Take two minutes today to receive loads of career-building benefits such as these:
Career Center
The online PBA Career Center is your destination for great career opportunities. Search for jobs, sign up for job alerts and post your resume free.
Social Networking and More
It's easy to stay connected with your colleagues and informed about your profession. Facebook, listservs and blogs are just a few of the tools our members use to share ideas, get answers to questions and build their professional contacts.
Young Lawyers Division
All law student members automatically become members the Young Lawyers Division. Join the thousands of young lawyers (more than 7,000 of them!) who learn and laugh together. The PBA Young Lawyers Division offers educational and social opportunities that help lawyers grow their skills and build support networks.
Information in Your E-mailbox
Receive electronic copies of PBA publications (including the award-winning The Pennsylvania Lawyer magazine) that track legal trends, examine issues and keep you informed about PBA movers and shakers, events and opportunities.
Online Legal Research

Casemaker, the PBA’s online research provider, is a national leader in legal research, offering comprehensive libraries and an easy-to-use suite of research tools, including CiteCheck, which provides reports on whether case citations continue to be good law. This free-to-members servicecan save you hundreds of dollars in research fees when you begin your active practice! Click on the following links for more information: Casemaker suite of premium services; tutorial videos.
Committee and Section Membership
Connect with Pennsylvania lawyers practicing in legal specialties. There are more than 50 different specialty and interest groups. See details about the PBA committees and sections.
And Lots More!
As a law student member, you are entitled to receive all the benefits and services provided to regular PBA members, including special rates on computers, mailing services, professional clothing, credit cards and much more. Plus, you are invited to attend the PBA's educational programs and meetings.
Join. Connect. Succeed.
Become a Pennsylvania Bar Association member today.