2005 Govt. Lawyer of the Year


HARRISBURG (Nov. 2005) — The Pennsylvania Bar Association Government Lawyers’ Committee honored Harrisburg lawyer Sarah C. Yerger with the 2005 “Government Lawyer of the Year” Award during a November luncheon held in Harrisburg. This award honors a government lawyer who has made a significant singular contribution or has dedicated his or her career to outstanding service to the profession for the benefit of the public or a governmental entity.

“Sarah is an exemplary attorney and handles some of the most complex cases in our section,” said Alexis L. Barbieri, Esq., executive deputy Attorney General in nominating Yerger for the award. “She volunteers to take over the most complex cases on short notice. She also handles a complete range of matters from pro se cases to complex employment litigation and discrimination cases to appeals in the Third Circuit.”

Yerger is a senior deputy attorney general with the Office of Attorney General. An active volunteer, Yerger has worked with the Heart Association of Central Pennsylvania for 10 years. She has served on its board for six years and currently serves as the president. Yerger has orchestrated a Christmas gift program for needy children for four years through the Dauphin County Children and Youth program.

Active in state bar association activities, Yerger serves on the Commission on Women in the Profession and is a member of the PBA Government Lawyers Committee. She also is a member of the James S. Bowman Inn of Court, which focuses on an administrative law practice.