Pro bono support in Pennsylvania is focused at the local level. Although there is some type of pro bono activity in every county in the state, each county’s approach to pro bono is unique.
- Some differences are matters of size. In Cameron County, where there are only a few members of the bar, pro bono cases are handled informally- with each lawyer seeing a certain number of clients every year who they know will not be able to pay for their services. In Philadelphia, a traveling “road show” of civil legal-aid providers targets the largest firms in the city to inform attorneys of the myriad of opportunities for organized pro bono service.
- Some differences are matters of organization. Lackawanna County attorneys interested in pro bono service have had the support of a stand alone pro bono program since 1997. Many other counties have established programs tied to the local legal-services provider. However, there still exists no formal structure for pro bono in some Pennsylvania counties.
For Summary Information on Pro Bono Programs by County, Click on Each County Below