
Costs of Care Act Petition-Allegheny County Case
Costs of Care Act Order-Allegheny County Case
Dangerous dog opinion-Chester County
Dangerous dog defense brief 2
Contact List of DAs for Animal Cruelty Cases

Sample Petition for the Appointment of a Humane Society Police Officer
Sample Petition to Grant the Reasonable Costs of Care
Sample Petition to Establish Ownership in SPCA of Abused and Abandoned Animals 
Sample Pleadings - Animal Dispositions 
Model TNR Ordinance - No Sponsor

Editable Forms/Templates:



The documents included below are merely SAMPLES that may be appropriate to use when working with local courts in certain actions involving the protection of animals. These SAMPLE documents may or may not contain provisions that are applicable to your particular needs or situation. These SAMPLES are only for use with an attorney's advice and assistance. Nothing contained in these SAMPLES shall be construed as tax or legal advice.