The committee’s mission statement is to “oversee publications.”
Committee members meet twice each year, usually during PBA Committee/Section Days. During those meetings, the editors of the Lawyer and the Bar News and the director of communications provides updates and editorial calendars, and there is generally open group discussion to generate ideas about future articles and possible writers for those articles.
There are 18 appointed members of the committee. The committee chair and vice chair or the committee co-chairs will assign each member to one of these advisory groups:
The Pennsylvania Lawyer Subcommittee – Five committee members serve as advisors by providing ongoing input to the magazine’s editor. The editor will routinely email subcommittee members to request input about the editorial planning calendar, to seek article ideas and to identify potential writers. The editor will periodically (approximately twice per year) host conference calls for subcommittee members to brainstorm about article ideas and writers.
Pennsylvania Bar News Subcommittee – Five committee members serve as advisors by providing ongoing input to the publication’s editor. The editor will routinely email subcommittee members to request input for article ideas and to identify potential members to be interviewed for upcoming articles. The editor will periodically (approximately twice per year) host conference calls so that subcommittee members can brainstorm about article ideas and writers.
Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly Subcommittee – Five committee members serve as advisors providing ongoing input to the publication’s editor. The editor will routinely email subcommittee members to request input for article ideas and to identify potential writers. The editor will periodically (approximately twice per year) host conference calls for subcommittee members to brainstorm about article ideas and writers.
Planning Subcommittee – Three committee members (the committee chair and vice chair plus one additional committee member) serve as advisors to the Director of Communications regarding the “big picture” direction of The Pennsylvania Lawyer, Pennsylvania Bar News, Pennsylvania Bar Association Lawyers Directory and the Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly.