The Committees/Sections Department provides administrative support to the PBA’s committees and sections as well as to the Lawyer Dispute Resolution Program. The Minority Attorney and Women in the Profession conferences are coordinated through this department, as are the various section retreats. The Young Lawyers Division business functions and special projects such as the Statewide Mock Trial Competition are administered through this department.

Ursula L. Marks
Director of Committees and Sections
800-932-0311, Ext. 2206
[email protected]
Fax: 717-238-1204

Maria Engles
Committees and Sections Coordinator
800-932-0311, Ext. 2223
[email protected]
Fax: 717-238-1204

Melisa A. Spinelli
Committees and Sections Coordinator
800-932-0311, Ext. 2253
[email protected]
Fax: 717-238-1204

Pamela K. Kance
Committees and Sections Coordinator
800-932-0311, Ext. 2243
[email protected]
Fax: 717-238-1204

Pascale Herzog
Administrative Assistant
800-932-0311, Ext. 2233
[email protected]
Fax: 717-238-1204