On March 13, 2020, PBA President Anne N. John issued the following statement to members:
Like you, in the past weeks your association’s leadership has been monitoring a variety of national and state sources for the latest updates and recommendations regarding how to protect the health of our members and our staff in light of Coronavirus (COVID-19) .
A decision has been made to shift our March 26 PBA Committee/Section Day to teleconference only; there will be no face-to-face meetings associated with this event. A link to the schedule with dial-in instructions is posted on the PBA homepage, www.pabar.org. Members who had previously registered to attend in-person will be automatically changed to teleconference registration.
In addition to Committee/Section Day, decisions have been made impacting these events:
- March 16, Civil Litigation Section Philadelphia Regional Dinner: Canceled
- March 27 and 28, Young Lawyers Division Statewide High School Mock Trial championships: Postponed
- March 30, WIP Spring Conference: Canceled
- April 21, Administrative Law Section 2020 Commonwealth Court Practicum: Postponed until the fall
We are examining other scheduled meetings and events on a case-by-case basis. Important updates about PBA meetings and events will be added to the homepage of our website as soon as decisions are made. In addition, any changes to PBI’s scheduling will be announced on its website: http://www.pbi.org.
The guidance provided to all of us by national and state agencies, as well as the governor, will likely change repeatedly during the next weeks. Therefore, please continue to recheck the PBA website for updates.
We take the health and safety of our members and our staff seriously, and decisions will be made accordingly. Thank you for your cooperation.
Anne N. John
President, Pennsylvania Bar Association