HARRISBURG (June 22, 2018) – Consistent with the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s mission that includes promoting the administration of justice, ensuring that no one, on account of poverty, is denied his or her legal rights, and securing appropriate legislation, the PBA Board of Governors issues the following statement:
“The Pennsylvania Bar Association, by action of its Board of Governors, requests that the current administration expeditiously take all actions necessary to reunite children separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border and to permanently cease such separations in the future.
The Pennsylvania Bar Association has long traditions of advocating for the proper administration of justice and for appropriate legislation and of protecting the legal rights of the poor. Furthermore, the PBA has long supported the protections of children’s rights, including keeping children with their parents when it is in their best interests.
The separation of children from their families as an act of deterrence to entering the country is in violation of due process and equal protection, as well as contrary to the rule of law. It is also morally wrong. While there is a great deal of diversity in the policy discussion surrounding immigration law, separating children from their families should not be used as a means of deterrence.”
Founded in 1895, the Pennsylvania Bar Association strives to promote justice, professional excellence and respect for the law; improve public understanding of the legal system; facilitate access of legal services; and serve the lawyer members of the state’s largest organized bar association.