HARRISBURG (April 10, 2018) — The Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA) Commission on Women in the Profession (WIP) will present Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP with a 2018 WIP Award for the Promotion of Women in the Law.
An awards ceremony honoring the firm will be held during the commission’s 25th annual conference, “Empowering Women,” May 9, at the Hershey Lodge, Hershey.
The Promotion of Women in the Law Award was created last year to honor Pennsylvania law firms and solo practitioners, corporate law departments and other organizations providing legal services that have instituted programs or initiatives that help women lawyers continue and advance in their careers while maintaining a work/life balance.
Drinker Biddle has a variety of policies and programs that help all lawyers, including women, thrive in their professional and personal lives. The firm’s policies include a gender neutral parental leave policy that supports leave time and flexible schedules and an alternative work arrangement policy that allows for reduced hour schedules and remote work.
The firm’s Women’s Leadership Committee works on initiatives to attract, retain and promote women attorneys, such as business generation skills and networking programs, and on facilitating opportunities for women to advance to leadership positions internally and externally. Drinker Biddle also offers a mentoring program and has an in-house career counselor to provide confidential career planning advice to non-partner lawyers.
Success in the firm’s efforts can be seen in its reaching a recent milestone — half of its senior leadership teams are comprised of women, exceeding the industry standard by 25 percent. Drinker Biddle was also named to the 50 Best Law Firms for Women lists by Working Mother in 2017, 2015, 2014, 2011 and 2009.
Details and registration information for the PBA Commission on Women in the Profession conference are posted on the PBA’s website at http://www.pabar.org/pdf/2018/2018AnnualMeetingBrochure.pdf.
Founded in 1895, the PBA strives to promote justice, professional excellence and respect for the law; improve public understanding of the legal system; facilitate access to legal services; and serve the 26,000 lawyers who are members of the association.