Lawyer Directory Product Guide

More than 60,000 lawyer names, firms, addresses and FAX numbers are included in the PBA Lawyers Directory & Product Guide.

The PBA Lawyers Directory & Product Guide is an excellent resource for law offices and businesses. It provides contact information for federal, state, common pleas and magisterial district courts, state law libraries, and national, state and local legal professional associations. A special product guide features law firm profiles, firm-to-firm referrals, and advertisements for legal-related products and services.

The price for PBA members is $45 per book, plus $12 handling per book, 6% sales tax on total, 1% local tax for Allegheny County and 2% local tax for Philadelphia County where applicable. Bulk orders of 10 or more copies are $36 per copy, plus $12 handling per copy, 6% sales tax on total, 1% local tax for Allegheny County and 2% local tax for Philadelphia County where applicable.

To order the print version of the PBA Lawyers Directory & Product Guide, go to the PBA Store and order online, or call Member Services at (800) 932-0311, or click here complete the order form.

The online version of the PBA Lawyers Directory & Product Guide is updated daily. For PBA members, the online version is $35 per subscription, 6% sales tax on total, 1% local tax for Allegheny County and 2% local tax for Philadelphia County where applicable.

To order the online version of the PBA Lawyers Directory & Product Guide, click here. The PBA Store accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover.

PLEASE NOTE: Your PBA Lawyers Directory and Product Guide subscription will renew automatically each year. The PBA will send you an email message in August through which you can cancel or change your subscription. If the PBA does not receive your change form by Nov. 2, you will receive the same amount of books as purchased the previous year. Thank you.