
If you are in need of legal aid, click here and fill out the PBA Pro Bono Program Legal Assistance Request Form you find there. You should also check out palawhelp.org. The search engine on the website is excellent. Enter the county where you are having the problem and list the area of law to locate resources to pursue.

If you are a pro bono volunteer, the entry below will outline how pro bono is done in this county and detail any organized pro bono program for you to work with here. You can also go to the main PBA pro bono site for lawyers, and check out and sign up on paprobono.net. Check out the https://www.paprobono.net/program-directory/ The Pro Bono Program Directory is a searchable database of organizations that are seeking the assistance of volunteer pro bono advocates. You can find an opportunity that meets your volunteer goal by using the guide's filters to find an opportunity in your locality and legal area of preference.


Probono Coordinator

Pro Bono in this County:

Information is currently being updated.

Check out the work on pardons here at www.PardonMePA.org

Westmoreland County is part of the 10-county region covered by Summit Legal Aid.

Pardus Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Oct. 29, 2024

Nicole M. Pardus of Long & Long LLC, Greensburg, and Westmoreland County Wills for Heroes coordinator, received a PBA Pro Bono Award at a Wills for Heroes event on Oct. 29 in Greensburg.
Pictured below, from left: PBA Deputy Director of Pro Bono Services Bill Baldwin, Pardus and Westmoreland Bar Association President Angelea Allen Mitas

Antoniono Receives Milkes Award, Jan. 30, 2024
PBA Past Treasurer James R. Antoniono of DeBernardo Antoniono McCabe & Davis PC, Greensburg, received the 2024 Samuel W. Milkes Award at the Winter Quarterly Meeting of the Westmoreland Bar Association, Jan. 30, 2024, in Greensburg. Read the article in the Jan/Feb 2014 issue of The Pennsylvania Lawyer about Jim’s hiking the Appalachian Trail to raise more than $10,000 to support the work of the Westmoreland County Bar Foundation.

'Serving Those Who Served' Seminar, April 29, 2016
Sponsored by Penn State Fayette, the Fayette County Bar Association and the Westmoreland Bar Association, a seminar titled “Serving Those Who Served: Veteran Benefits, Programs and Legal Issues” is being held at Penn State Fayette on April 29. Get more information about the event.