Contact Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania’s Melina Dixon, Esq., at [email protected] or 484-275-0463, or the county’s Probono Coordinator.
Pro Bono in this County:.
Volunteers are needed for eviction hearings for Montco's EPIC program
The Eviction Prevention & Intervention Coalition (EPIC) has expanded to seven courtrooms across Montgomery County, including two courtrooms in Norristown, two in Pottstown, one in East Norriton, one in Jenkintown, and one in Lansdale. Staff Attorney Michelle Dempsky is LASP's lead attorney for EPIC, and CARES Attorney Fellow Anthony Richardson also is working on EPIC. Pro bono attorneys are needed to represent renters at eviction hearings in all seven of these courts.
To learn more about volunteering for the EPIC program, please contact Kathryn Palladino, Esq., LASP Norristown Managing Attorney, at [email protected] or 484-209-0892.
Please check out pro bono opportunities at clinics held in Montgomery County by Episcopal Legal Aid at
Check out the work on pardons here at
Modest Means Legal Access Program
PBA Pro Bono Award Presented to Montgomery County Lawyer Solomon, Oct. 11, 2022
Don Solomon of Hatboro received a Pennsylvania Bar Association Pro Bono Award Oct. 11 for his service on behalf of Legal Aid of Southeastern Pa. (LASP) clients. The award presentation followed a Pro Bono Month breakfast reception hosted by the Montgomery Bar Association and CLE presented by David Keller Trevaskis, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator. Pictured below, from left: Cary B. Hall; Jennifer Gayle; Solomon; Jennifer Pierce, LASP Pro Bono Coordinator; Kathryn Palladino, LASP Staff Attorney & Montgomery County Pro Bono Coordinator; Trevaskis; Tim Knowles, Chair of the MBA Pro Bono, Access to Justice, and Community Service Committee; Shawn Boehringer, LASP Executive Director; Donald B. Cheetham, III, LASP Staff Attorney; Lisa Whalen, LASP Pottstown Managing Attorney & Interim Doylestown Managing Attorney; Denise Vicario, MBA Executive Director; and Megan Reinprecht, LASP Community Engagement Staff Attorney & Bucks County Pro Bono Coordinator.
Walsh is New, Part-Time Pro Bono Coordinator, October 2016
The Montgomery Bar Association has a new, part-time pro bono coordinator in place: Nancy Walsh. Get the volunteer form being shared with all members of the local bar and information on the bar association's modest means program. Contact Nancy at Leadership Academy/Access to Justice/Program Coordinator, Montgomery Bar Association, 100 West Airy Street, Norristown, Pa. 19404, 610-994-3663, [email protected].
Pro Bono Week Event Features Awards Presentations, Oct. 24, 2016
Pictured below at left David K. Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator, and Michael E. Kelley, staff attorney with Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania, speak before a group of Montgomery County lawyers at the Oct. 24 Pro Bono Week celebration and expungement CLE at Montgomery Bar Association headquarters, Norristown. As shown below right, Trevaskis and Kelley also presented 2016 PBA Pro Bono Awards to Aetna attorneys Alan K. Maesaka (next to Trevaskis) and Justin V. Czubaroff. Trevaskis thanked the attorneys for their commitment to those in need, and Kelley noted, "Our Aetna volunteers have consistently come to help our clients directly during walk-intake hours with little to no recognition outside our office. They are a constant and welcome presence in our office, effectively counseling applicants and triaging those with emergency situations."
Criminal Record Relief Expungement and the New Limited Access Law (Norristown), Oct. 24, 2016
This program will cover both expungement law and procedure and Pa's new limited access law, coming into effect November 2016. Pennsylvania's expungement statute, rules and key cases, and the procedure in Montgomery County will be explained and insight will be offered into what the District Attorney's Office considers when deciding whether to oppose or join an expungement petition. Get more information.
The Art of Representing a Child in the Legal Arena, Oct. 21, 2016
The Montgomery Child Advocacy Project and the Montgomery Bar Association are offering a CLE program entitled The Art of Representing a Child in the Legal Arena on Oct. 21, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in the Montgomery Bar Association CLE Room. This program is for any lawyer with the desire to represent children. Although litigation and family law experience are a plus, it is not necessary. MCAP advocates are lawyers with diverse backgrounds including real estate, corporate, family law, criminal law, retired lawyers and stay at home parents. Attend this dynamic seminar training lawyers to serve as guardians ad litem and legal counsel for children; presentations by the experts in the family law, juvenile law, dependency and criminal law; interact with the various entities who interact with children in the legal and social service arenas; by completing this training, you will be prepared to serve as a child advocate in Montgomery County. $50 for MBA members; $150 for non-members who agree to accept an MCAP case within a year of the CLE. Rates without contract: $225 for MBA members; $295 for non-members.
Legal Aid and Pro Bono in Montgomery County, 2016
2015 Pro Bono Week Focus on PFA Practice in Montgomery County, Oct. 30, 2015
During the 2015 ABA National Pro Bono Week and PBA Pennsylvania Pro Bono Week, Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LSAP) organized several events to highlight pro bono opportunities, including a CLE on PFA practice in Montgomery County, held on Oct. 30. The seminar reviewed the basics of PFA representation in Montgomery County, with a particular focus on victim advocacy and pro bono representation. The CLE was free to attorneys who agreed to accept at least one pro bono client through LASP. Below are a photo taken during the seminar and a group photo of the presenters, from left, LASP staff attorney Ed Danelski; LASP Montgomery County Pro Bono Coordinator Mike Kelley; Claritza Jaramillo, Family Court assistant administrator; county Common Pleas Court Judge Kelly C. Wall; and Cheryl Leslie, Family Court deputy administrator.

Wills for Heroes Clinic, Sept. 12, 2015
The Pennsylvania Bar Association Young Lawyers Division and the Wills for Heroes Foundation, with sponsorship by Ballard Spahr LLP, are hosting upcoming events across Pennsylvania. At these events, free wills and powers of attorney are prepared for police officers, firefighters and other first responders who risk their lives every day to make sure our communities are safe. Programs are staffed by lawyer volunteers and are conveniently offered to first responders at meeting halls and police and fire stations. On Sept. 12, volunteer paralegals and lawyers will be conducting a Wills for Heroes program for all Pennsylvania first responders, including volunteer, active, and retired police officers, fire fighters, and emergency medical personnel. The event will be held at the Arcadia University, 450 S. Easton Rd., Glenside. For information on events in Montgomery County, please contact Lisa Shearman at [email protected]. For more information on the Wills for Heroes program, see
Montgomery Child Advocacy Project