
If you are in need of legal aid, click here and fill out the PBA Pro Bono Program Legal Assistance Request Form you find there. You should also check out The search engine on the website is excellent. Enter the county where you are having the problem and list the area of law to locate resources to pursue.

If you are a pro bono volunteer, the entry below will outline how pro bono is done in this county and detail any organized pro bono program for you to work with here. You can also go to the main PBA pro bono site for lawyers, and check out and sign up on Check out the The Pro Bono Program Directory is a searchable database of organizations that are seeking the assistance of volunteer pro bono advocates. You can find an opportunity that meets your volunteer goal by using the guide's filters to find an opportunity in your locality and legal area of preference.


Probono Coordinator

Pro Bono in this County:

Lori Ann Siegle
Monroe County Bar Association
913 Main Street
Stroudsburg PA 18360
570.424.8234 (fax)
[email protected]

The Monroe County Bar Association (MCBA) offers three referral programs, one of which is the Pro-Bono Limited Service Program. All cases must be Monroe County based. Qualifying applicants can be assisted in the areas of:

  • Modification of Custody or Establishment of Custody 
  • Landlord/Tenant – Tenant Only 
  • Collections – Debtor only 
  • Expungement of PA Criminal Record 
  • Pardon of Criminal Conviction 

Applications for representation are on the Monroe Bar website. If a person calls the office, staff will refer the potential applicant to the website and to the application (Go to the Public Resources column and click on Pro-Bono Limited Services Program to find basic info and the application.). The Monroe Bar will also mail the application if requested. In addition to a completed application, the Bar requires verification of all household income. Applications are received by and reviewed by MCBA staff. If approved, MCBA refers the applicant to a volunteer attorney. Applications have been provided to the courts, specifically in the law library and at the MDJ courts. All processing is handled by the MCBA staff.

Questions? Please contact: 

Monroe County Bar Association/Monroe County Bar Foundation
Monroe Legal Reporter
913 Main Street
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
570-424-8234 Fax
[email protected]

Check out the work on pardons here at

Monroe County's Martino Receives 2015 Pro Bono Award, March 11, 2016
David Martino, Monroe County's 2015 PBA Pro Bono Volunteer of the Year, was honored with the award presentation during the Monroe County Bar Association's quarterly meeting at Stroudsmoor Country Inn on March 11. Surrounded by fellow MCBA members, the Brodheadsville lawyer accepted accolades from MCBA Pro Bono Chair Mark Primrose, who said, "The word no is not in his [Martino's] vocabulary." A man of few words, Martino's fluent generosity was evident over the past three years during which he provided free services to eight cases for Stroudsburg-based civil legal aid organization North Penn Legal Services (NPLS), compiling more than 25 hours assisting low-income county residents in need. Calling Martino, "A very kind and compassionate attorney," NPLS Stroudsburg manager Jim Butz said Martino "does an exceptional job on a very consistent basis." Primrose closed with thanks to Martino for "setting an example for us all." Shown below (photo at left), Martino accepts the award and (photo at right) MCBA Pro-Bono Chair Mark Primrose congratulates Martino.

Monroe County Pro Bono Options, January 2016
Get information on the pro bono effort in Monroe County.