Probono Coordinator
Pro Bono in this County:
Information is currently being updated.
MidPenn Legal Services 2019-20
The legal-aid provider in Lebanon County is MidPenn Legal Services.
Read the overview of MidPenn’s services to counties in 2019-20.
Read the report on MidPenn’s services in Lebanon County in 2019-20.
Lamoureux of Lebanon County receives PBA William H.G. Warner Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award, March 8, 2019
Corey Lamoureux, Reilly Wolfson, Lebanon, received the 2018 PBA William H.G. Warner Pro Bono Attorney of the Year on March 8 at the Legal Needs Clinic at the Lebanon VA Hospital. The annual award, named for the late William H.G. Warner, Esq., recognizes a attorney who is committed to providing legal services to the public and to helping to make Pro Bono legal service what it is today in Lebanon County.
Pictured below, from left: PBA Pro Bono Fellow Tom Brier, MidPenn Legal Services Managing Attorney Nick Matash, Lamoureux, Lebanon County President Judge John C. Tylwalk, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis and PBA Pro Bono Office Administrator Gabriele Miller-Wagner.

Legal Needs and Domestic Relations Clinic at Lebanon V.A. Medical Center, Aug. 17, 2018
The PBA Military and Veterans Affairs Committee and the Lebanon V.A. Medical Center partnered to help veterans at the second quarterly Legal Needs and Domestic Relations Clinic on Aug. 17, 2018. The next clinic at the Lebanon V.A. Medical Center is planned for Nov. 9, 2018. Pictured below are (front row, from left): Gabriele Miller-Wagner, PBA Pro Bono Office administrative assistant; Hannah Suhr, attorney volunteer; Lisa Grayson (Lt. Col., U.S. Army Reserve, and chair, PBA Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee; (back row, from left) David Trevaskis, PBA Pro Bono coordinator; Sarah Primak, V.A. staff; Christina Fisher, attorney volunteer; and Stephen Sess, 2018 Penn State Dickinson Law grad and Marine Corps. veteran.

Pictured below are Grayson and U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force veteran Anthony Key, one of the more than 40 veterans helped through the clinic.

Brinser and Wagner of Lebanon County Receive PBA William H. G. Warner Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award, Nov. 9, 2017
Lebanon Attorneys Gerald J. Brinser and Keith D. Wagner of the Law Firm of Brinser Wagner received the PBA’s William H. G. Warner Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award at the Lebanon County Bar Association’s Nov. 9 meeting and dinner. Wagner missed the ceremonies due to the demands of his family Christmas tree business, somehow appropriate on the coldest night since last winter. Neither lawyer missed anything when it came to helping the poor in 2017. The two lawyers have volunteered over 80 hours in the past year handling pro bono cases and represented 19 defendants in PFA actions during the year.
Nick Matash of MidPenn Legal Services said of the awardees, “Without Jerry and Keith, these parties would have otherwise not had the benefit of representation in their cases. In spite of the short deadlines in PFA matters, each attorney willingly accepted referrals”
The annual award, named for the late William H.G. Warner, Esq., recognizes an attorney (or attorneys) committed to providing legal services to the public and to helping to make pro bono legal service what it is today in Lebanon County. In the county in 2015-16, volunteer attorneys provided pro bono service to 324 clients in support of MidPenn Legal Services in custody, divorce, unemployment compensation, bankruptcy, child support and PFA cases. PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis applauded the lawyers for their good work, noting “the importance of having veteran members of the bar provide pro bono service both to model for younger attorneys and to provide the top service to those in need.” Brinser has been in practice since 1972 and Wagner has been practicing since 1985.
Pictured below are Trevaskis, Brinser and Matash.

MidPenn Legal Services 2015-16 Fact Sheet, Posted January 2017
The legal-aid provider in Lebanon County is MidPenn Legal Services. Read the overview of the MidPenn's services to counties in 2015-16. Read the report on MidPenn's services in Lebanon County in 2015-16.