Probono Coordinator
Pro Bono in this County:
Information is currently being updated.
Jefferson County is part of the 10-county region covered by Summit Legal Aid.
Punxsutawney Legal Needs Clinic, June 13, 2018
Pictured below at the June 13, 2018, Legal Needs Clinic at the County Housing Authority Social Center in Punxsutawney are Laurel Legal Services (LLS) Director of PAI and Pro Bono Jessica Lynch, LLS Client Board Member Minta Livengood, PBA Administrative Assistant Gabriele Miller-Wagner, Jefferson County lawyer Kerith Strano Taylor, LLS Board Member John Achille, LLS staff Attorney Eric Hackenberg and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis. “I think that the law clinic is a good idea,” stated Livengood. “It helps people to understand their legal rights and shows them how to try to resolve the matters they face.” Clients attending the program had praise for the program and the volunteers: “Everyone was well-informed and my problems were handled professionally” “I would recommend this for everyone,” said another. “The lawyers helped me a lot!”