Probono Coordinator
Pro Bono in this County:
Information is currently being updated.
MidPenn Legal Services 2019-20
The legal-aid provider in Franklin County is MidPenn Legal Services.
Read the overview of MidPenn’s services to counties in 2019-20.
Read the report on MidPenn’s services in Franklin County in 2019-20.
Cosentino Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Oct. 25, 2023
Anthony J. Cosentino, DiLoreto, Cosentino & Bolinger PC, Chambersburg, received a PBA Pro Bono Award at the Franklin County Bar Association Pro Bono Award Luncheon, Oct 25, 2023, in Chambersburg. Cosentino was nominated for his handling of protection from abuse cases, making court appearances with little advance notice to help cover for a legal services attorney and his “generous spirit and actions [that] have made a very positive difference in Franklin County.”
Pictured below, from left to right: Back row – Michael McKeon, Brandon Copeland, Brittany Henderson; second row - Janice Hawbaker, Victoria Beard, Jacqueline Gonsalez-Velasquez, Deborah Dresser Neiderer; third row – Judge Mary Beth Shank, Cierra Renshaw, Rosita Methner, Gloria Keener; front row – Jeb Keller, Carrie Bowmaster, Martha Ewan, Cosentino, Kari Ramsey and PBA Vice President Kristen Hamilton

Pictured below, from left to right: PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Keller Trevaskis, Cosentino and PBA Vice President Kristen Hamilton

PBA Pro Bono Award Presented to Franklin County Lawyer Glen, Nov. 16, 2022
George Glen of Glen and Glen, Chambersburg, was presented with a PBA 2022 Pro Bono Award by David Trevaskis, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator, on Nov. 16 at the Franklin County Bar Association (FCBA) annual pro bono luncheon. Read the FCBA news release, which noted that Glen goes “above and beyond to serve those in need of legal services in the community through the contribution of his expertise and time on a pro bono basis.”
Pictured below: Brandon Copeland, Hon. Todd Sponseller, Victoria Beard, Carrie Bowmaster, Martha Ewan, Kari Ramsey, Deborah Dresser Neiderer, Tony Cosentino, Glen, Trevaskis, Rosita Methner, Gloria Keener and Michael McKeon

Franklin County Veterans Day Wills for Heroes, Nov. 11, 2022
Pictured below, left to right: Back row - Thomas Trgovac, Michael Finucane, Erich Hawbaker, Mark Henicle; middle row - Alexandra Sipe, Adam Fennen, Emma Hamilton, Kristen Hamilton, Lindsey Pinto; front row – Barbara Townsend, Allison Freeman, Masha McCuskey, and Barbara Henicle

PBA Pro Bono Award Presented to Franklin County Lawyer Finucane, Oct 15, 2020
The Franklin County Bar Association (FCBA) celebrated attorneys who donate their time providing civil legal services to low-income individuals and families on Oct. 15, 2020. Michael B. Finucane of Michael Finucane Law Office, Chambersburg, was recognized with a 2020 PBA Pro Bono Award for “ his overall service as an active participant in the FCBA Pro Bono Program and for his continued work on a particular pro bono divorce case he started several years ago that is still in progress due to its complexity.” Read the FCBA news release. Watch the virtual award presentation.

PBA Pro Bono Award Presented to Franklin County Lawyer Reibsome, Oct. 25, 2019
Christoper L. Reibsome, Christopher Reibsome Law LLC, Greencastly, was recognized with a 2019 PBA Pro Bono Award at the Franklin County Bar Association Pro Bono Award Luncheon, Oct. 25 in Chambersburg. Reibsome was honored for his willingness to accept difficult PFA, custody and divorce cases, including cases from the Law Offices of Women in Need, and making lasting, positive impacts in the lives of his clients.
Pictured below, from left: Franklin County Legal Services executive director Gloria Keener; PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis; PBA Zone 3 Governor and Franklin County Bar President Kristen Hamilton, Reibsome, MidPenn Legal Services Managing Attorney Paul Edgar and Deborah Dresser Neiderer, managing attorney of the Law Offices of Women in Need

PBA Pro Bono Award Presented to Franklin County Lawyer Hawbaker, Oct. 17, 2018
The Franklin County Bar Association celebrated the services of attorneys who donate their time providing civil legal services to low income individuals and families in Franklin County during the FCBA Pro Bono Luncheon in Chambersburg, Oct. 17. Pictured below is Janice Hawbaker, Esq., recipient of a 2018 PBA Pro Bono Award and David Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator. Read the news release.

FCBA 2018 Pro Bono Luncheon Attendees
Pictured below, back row, left to right: Kelsie Massini, Esq., Law Offices of WIN; Janice Hawbaker, Esq., Kaminski, Hawbaker & Salawage PC; Michael Connor, Esq., Walker, Connor & Spang LLC; Brandon Copeland, Esq., MidPenn Legal Services; Kristen Hamilton, Esq., FCBA president, Law Office of Eric J. Weisbrod PC; Forest Myers, Esq., Law Office of Forest Myers; David K. Trevaskis, Esq., pro bono coordinator, Pennsylvania Bar Association; George Glen, Esq., Glen and Glen LLC; Anthony Cosentino, Esq., DiLoreto, Cosentino & Bolinger PC; John Keller, Esq., Keller, Keller, Beck and Ross LLC; Brittany Henderson, Esq., Franklin County Legal Services; Barbara Townsend, Esq., The Townsend Law Office; Andrew Benchoff, Esq., Kornfield and Benchoff LLP; Front row left to right: Deborah Hoff, Esq., Law Office of Deborah K. Hoff; Elizabeth Clark, Esq., Dick, Stein, Schemel, Wine & Frey LLP; Eric Weisbrod, Esq., Law Office of Eric J. Weisbrod PC; Abigail Salawage, Esq., Kaminski, Hawbaker & Salawage PC; Rosita Mether, paralegal, Franklin County Legal Services; Martha Ewan, paralegal, Law Offices of WIN; Kari Ramsey, paralegal, Law Offices of WIN; Nicole Sipe, Esq., managing attorney MidPenn Legal Services; Gloria Keener, executive director, Franklin County Legal Services; and Victoria Beard, Esq., MidPenn Legal Services.

MidPenn Legal Services 2015-16 Fact Sheet, Posted January 2017
The legal-aid provider in Franklin County is MidPenn Legal Services. Read the overview of the MidPenn's services to counties in 2015-16. Read the report on MidPenn's services in Franklin County in 2015-16.
MidPenn Legal Services Franklin County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2014-15
MidPenn Legal Services Program-Wide Fact Sheet, FY 2014-15
PBA Pro Bono Award Presented to Franklin County Lawyer Hoff, Oct. 26, 2015
The Franklin County Bar Association celebrated the services of attorneys who donate their time providing civil legal services to low-income individuals and families in Franklin County during the FCBA Pro Bono Luncheon in Chambersburg, Oct. 26. Shown below, is 2015 PBA Pro Bono Award recipient Deborah K. Hoff, with David K. Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator, right, and Forest N. Myers, of Shippensburg, a PBA past president. Read the news release, with more photos.