
If you are in need of legal aid, click here and fill out the PBA Pro Bono Program Legal Assistance Request Form you find there. You should also check out palawhelp.org. The search engine on the website is excellent. Enter the county where you are having the problem and list the area of law to locate resources to pursue.

If you are a pro bono volunteer, the entry below will outline how pro bono is done in this county and detail any organized pro bono program for you to work with here. You can also go to the main PBA pro bono site for lawyers, and check out and sign up on paprobono.net. Check out the https://www.paprobono.net/program-directory/ The Pro Bono Program Directory is a searchable database of organizations that are seeking the assistance of volunteer pro bono advocates. You can find an opportunity that meets your volunteer goal by using the guide's filters to find an opportunity in your locality and legal area of preference.


Probono Coordinator

Pro Bono in this County:

Information is currently being updated.

Check out the work on pardons here at www.PardonMePA.org

MidPenn Legal Services 2019-20
The legal-aid provider in Dauphin County is MidPenn Legal Services.
Read the overview of MidPenn’s services to counties in 2019-20.
Read the report on MidPenn’s services in Dauphin County in 2019-20.

2023 Law Week Free Legal Answers Attorney Registration

Brann Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Sept. 25, 2024
Christine Brann, JSDC Law Offices, Hershey received a PBA Pro Bono Award at the quarterly meeting of the Dauphin County Bar Association (DCBA) on Sept. 25 in Harrisburg.

Pictured below, from left: PBA Unit County Governor Matthew Harr, PBA Deputy Director of Pro Bono Services Bill Baldwin, Brann, PBA Woman Governor Stephanie Latimore, DCBA President Jon Koltash and Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel William Christman

Scott Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Sept. 27, 2023
Mary Catherine Scott, director of the Central Pennsylvania Law Clinic at Widener Commonwealth Law School, received a PBA 2023 Pro Bono Award at the Dauphin County Bar Association (DCBA) Fall Membership Meeting, Sept. 27, 2023.

Pictured below, from left: PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Keller Trevaskis, Scott and Patrice Merzanis, DCBA executive director

Former Judge Serratelli Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Sept. 22, 2021
Former Dauphin County Judge Lori K. Serratelli received a 2021 PBA Pro Bono Award at the Dauphin County Bar Association annual meeting on Sept. 22, 2021. Serratelli was honored for her work as Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) board chair and for creating the local program. CASA is a nonprofit that re¬cruits and trains community volunteers to advocate for children who are in the court sys¬tem and in foster care because of abuse or neglect.

Pictured below, from left, Dauphin County Court of Common Pleas President Judge John F. Cherry, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Keller Trevaskis, Judge Serratelli, and DCBA President Paula J. McDermott

Dauphin County Pro Bono November 2020

Dauphin County 2020 Pro Bono Handbook

Dauphin County, Fall 2020

Pro Bono Eviction Mediation Project
October 2020 marks the start of an exciting model landlord/tenant mediation program in the Dauphin County courts.

The Dauphin County Bar Association and MidPenn Legal Services have been selected as one of five statewide recipients of community-based mediation grants and technical assistance from the Pennsylvania Housing Alliance for the Pro Bono Eviction Mediation Pilot Project. Under the project volunteers will serve as mediators in eviction actions pending in magisterial district court and help landlords and renters come to an agreement to avoid eviction.

The Pro Bono Eviction Mediation Project is developed in coordination and consultation with many area partners, including Dauphin County President Judge Cherry, Magisterial District Judge Judy, Dauphin County, the Capital Area Rental Property Owners Association and many service providers.

For additional information or to volunteer, contact Sandy Ballard at the Dauphin County Bar Association at [email protected] or 717-232-7536 extension 7.

View the Eviction Mediation Program Process Outline. View the Rental Assistance and Eviction Mediation Information Sheet.

Pike Honored with PBA Pro Bono Award, Sept. 23, 2020
Although the coronavirus has made the PBA Pro Bono awards a virtual experience, PBA President David Schwager took to Zoom on September 23 to honor Harrisburg lawyer Kara P. Pike with a 2020 Pennsylvania Bar Association Pro Bono Award. Pike, the Dauphin County Bar Association’s 2020 Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year, was honored for her work on expungements, helping the neediest among us to clean up past mistakes so they can get on with their lives in positive ways. She has been doing these clinics with her colleagues at Saul Ewing, two to four times a year, for the past four years.

Hadrick Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Oct. 24, 2019
Rachel R. Hadrick of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC, Harrisburg, was awarded a 2019 PBA Pro Bono Award during the PBA Minority Bar Committee’s Central PA Minority Law Day, Oct. 24 in Harrisburg. The award recognized her work chairing event, which brought nearly 60 high school students and educators to the Widener Commonwealth Law School for an interactive and informative day of legal experiences, ranging from mock appellate arguments to career exploration. Hadrick is a member of the PBA Diversity Team and the PBA Minority Bar Committee (MBC).

Pictured below, from left: Roberto Datorre, MBC council member; Hadrick; David Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator, and Sharon Farney, MBC secretary

Goldstein of Dauphin County Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Sept. 25, 2019
PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Keller Trevaskis (right) presented a PBA Pro Bono Award to Corky Goldstein at the Dauphin County Bar Association Fall Membership Meeting on Sept. 25 in Harrisburg.

Spreha of Dauphin County Receives PBA Pro Bono Award Sept. 26, 2018
PBA President Charles Eppolito III presented Edward F. Spreha Jr. with a PBA Pro Bono Award during the fall membership meeting of the Dauphin County Bar Association (DCBA) on Sept. 26, 2018. The award honors Spreha’s work launching the Driver’s License Reinstatement Intake Clinic as 2016 DCBA president. Pictured below from left are Eppolito, Spreha, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis and Peter Good, 2018 DCBA president.

Barbin Receives 2018 PBA Pro Bono Award, Feb. 10, 2018
An active member of both the Cumberland County and Dauphin County Bar Associations, as well as the Pennsylvania Bar Association, Andrew W. Barbin was honored Feb. 10 at the Widener University Commonwealth Law School with a PBA Pro Bono Award for his broad and diverse service to those in need. Barbin was fittingly honored at Widener's Wills for Heroes (WFH) event as he has been one of the most consistent volunteers for the WFH program, often traveling to distant sites to offer expert support for the program that provides estate planning documents to first responders and veterans. He volunteers at more than ten WFH programs a year.

Barbin (center) is pictured receiving his award from PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis and PBA administrative assistant and WFH Regional Coordinator Gabriele Miller-Wagner.

Pro Bono Driver's License Restoration Intake Clinic
Much like a criminal record, the lack of a valid driver's license can be a significant roadblock to employment. Yet, some job applicants may qualify for a limited license or have other viable options. Dauphin County Bar Association's (DCBA) successful Pro Bono Expungement Clinics served as a model for a new Pro Bono Driver's License Restoration Intake Clinic led by DCBA Board President Edward F. Spreha Jr. on Dec. 1, 2016. Spreha led a one-hour CLE on the topic that was free for attorneys willing to assist with the intake clinic or represent clients afterwards. Attorneys unable to attend were able to view a video. The clinic began with Spreha reviewing the law and procedures with 14 pro bono attorneys. Then, after a brief overview of the law with the 47 attendees, pro bono attorneys met with applicants one-on-one to review possible options. Spreha supervised the pro bono attorneys. MidPenn Legal Services is reviewing the intake information and will assign pro bono attorneys to participants who have possible legal options. For more information, contact DCBA Public Services Coordinator Sandy Ballard ([email protected]).

Pro Bono Opportunities in Dauphin County During Pro Bono Week, Oct. 17-28, 2016
Including Oct. 17 at 9:45 a.m., custody conference; Oct. 24 at 2:30 p.m., pre-trial custody conference; Oct. 28 at 1:45 p.m., custody conference. Get more information.

Turner of Dauphin County Receives 2016 Pro Bono Award, October 2016
Shown below at the presentation of a PBA Pro Bono Award to Steven Turner are, from left, county President Judge Richard A. Lewis, Dauphin County Bar Association Pro Bono Coordinator Sandy Ballard, Turner and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David K. Trevaskis.

MidPenn Legal Services 2015-16 Fact Sheet, Posted January 2017
The legal-aid provider in Dauphin County is MidPenn Legal Services. Read the overview of the MidPenn's services to counties in 2015-16. Read the report on MidPenn's services in Dauphin County in 2015-16.

U.S. Sen. Casey Co-Hosts Public Forum on IRS Plans to Reduce Taxpayer Services, April 8, 2016
U.S. Senator Robert P. Casey Jr. and National Taxpayer Advocate Nina A. Olson co-host a forum on plans announced by the Internal Revenue Service to reduce telephone and face-to-face services to taxpayers. The public forum will be held in the Harrisburg University Auditorium, Harrisburg, on April 8, with Robert B. Hamilton, managing attorney of MidPenn Legal Services’ Low Income Taxpayer Clinic, a panelist at the event. Get more information.

Pro Bono Awards Presentations in Dauphin County, Sept. 30, 2015
In the photos below, taken at the 2015 Dauphin County Bar Association’s Fall Membership Meeting, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David K. Trevaskis presents the 2015 PBA Pro Bono Partner Award to Rose Merrick of Harrisburg law firm of Goldberg Katzman and a 2015 PBA Pro Bono Award to Jeremiah Underhill.

Pro Bono Mediation at the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, Sept. 24, 2015
The program (three substantive credits) to be held at the Dauphin County Bar Association, Harrisburg, features Katherine S. Petruczok of the Human Relations Commission and Jim Kayer, director of enforcement. This will be a three-hour CLE, with lunch beginning at 11:30 a.m. and the program running from noon to 3:00 p.m. Registration deadline is Sept. 17, 2015. The program is free to any attorney willing to assist with a pro bono mediation for the Human Relations Commission. Otherwise, the cost is $35 for members and $50 for non-members. Register online at https://www.dcba-pa.org/Calendar/Signup.aspx?EventNo=425. If you do not wish to register online, please email [email protected]; call 232-7536, option #4, or fax the registration form located at https://www.dcba-pa.org/pdfs/eventAds/092415flyer.pdf to 717-234-4582.

DCBA Free Training for Member Certification to Accept Veterans’ Disability Appeals Cases, April 23, 2015
The Dauphin County Bar Association holds training for DCBA members free of charge to become certified to accept veterans’ disability appeals cases on April 25, 2-5:30 p.m., at the DCBA, Harrisburg. Get more information from the DCBA and from PA Probono.net.

Dauphin County Bar Association Pro Bono Reception April 1, 2015
The annual Dauphin County Bar Association (DCBA) Pro Bono Reception with the judges of the local courts to say thank you to all the hard-working pro bono attorneys, paralegals and law students in the county will be held on April 1, 5-7 p.m., at the DCBA, 213 North Front Street, Harrisburg. Read the invitation letter from President Judge Richard A. Lewis.

DCBA Members Counsel Homeless Vets, Feb. 2, 2015
Dauphin County lawyers offered legal advice to homeless veterans at the Harrisburg Military Post on Feb. 2, 2015, as part of the Dauphin County Bar Association-supported HOMELESS VETERANS Stand Down program. Standing at left in the photo below is Jim Strupe. Seated, from left, are Karen Moyers, Joe Schwartz and Patrick Todd.


Need help with a legal problem? Numbers to Call in Dauphin County (as of 11/30/17)