
If you are in need of legal aid, click here and fill out the PBA Pro Bono Program Legal Assistance Request Form you find there. You should also check out The search engine on the website is excellent. Enter the county where you are having the problem and list the area of law to locate resources to pursue.

If you are a pro bono volunteer, the entry below will outline how pro bono is done in this county and detail any organized pro bono program for you to work with here. You can also go to the main PBA pro bono site for lawyers, and check out and sign up on Check out the The Pro Bono Program Directory is a searchable database of organizations that are seeking the assistance of volunteer pro bono advocates. You can find an opportunity that meets your volunteer goal by using the guide's filters to find an opportunity in your locality and legal area of preference.


Probono Coordinator

Pro Bono in this County:

Information is currently being updated.

Check out the work on pardons here at

MidPenn Legal Services 2019-20
The legal-aid provider in Cumberland County is MidPenn Legal Services.
Read the overview of MidPenn’s services to counties in 2019-20.
Read the report on MidPenn’s services in Cumberland County in 2019-20.

Stone Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Jan. 23, 2025
Elizabeth Stone, Law Offices of Elizabeth Stone, New Cumberland, received a 2025 PBA Pro Bono Award at the annual meeting of the Cumberland County Bar Association, Jan. 23 in Camp Hill. Pictured below, from left: PBA Executive Director Matt Holliday and Awardee Stone

Knych Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Jan. 24, 2024
PBA Cumberland County Young Lawyers Division Chair Anna Knych, of Walters & Galloway PLLC, Mechanicsburg, received a 2023 PBA Pro Bono Award at the Cumberland County Bar Association (CCBA) annual dinner in Camp Hill on Jan. 24, 2024. Pictured below, from left: CCBA Executive Director Shelly Dolan, Knych, PBA Director of County Bar Services Susan Etter, CCBA Immediate Past President Michele Kluk and CCBA President David Galloway

Lawrence Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Oct. 19, 2021
Cumberland County Pro Bono Committee Chair Kate Lawrence received a 2021 PBA Pro Bono Award during the Cumberland County Bar Association (CCBA) annual celebration of Pro Bono Month on Oct. 19, 2021. The award was presented by PBA President Kathleen D. Wilkinson. Wilkinson and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Keller Trevaskis joined CCBA Bar President George Byron Faller and Executive Director Shelly Sydnor to celebrate pro bono service by the local bar. Faller was honored with a local award for his pro bono service.

Inaugural Samuel W. Milkes Award Presented, Oct. 19, 2021
The PBA Legal Services to the Public Committee presented the inaugural Samuel W. Milkes Award on Oct. 19. 2021, to the award’s namesake, longtime legal aid advocate and public service attorney Samuel W. Milkes of Cumberland County. Milkes is the former executive director of the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network. PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Keller Trevaskis and PBA President Kathleen D. Wilkinson presented the award to Milkes.

Irwin Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Jan. 31, 2019
Harold S. Irwin, III, Irwin Law Office, Carlisle, was honored with a 2019 PBA Pro Bono Award on Jan. 31, 2019, at the Cumberland County Bar Association (CCBA) annual dinner for completing 15 pro bono cases over the past year, which took roughly 63 hours of time to execute. Irwin has been a part of the CCBA Pro Bono Referral Program since 2014.

Barbin Receives 2018 PBA Pro Bono Award, Feb. 10, 2018
An active member of both the Cumberland County and Dauphin County Bar Associations, as well as the Pennsylvania Bar Association, Andrew W. Barbin was honored Feb. 10 at the Widener University Commonwealth Law School with a PBA Pro Bono Award for his broad and diverse service to those in need. Barbin was fittingly honored at Widener's Wills for Heroes (WFH) event as he has been one of the most consistent volunteers for the WFH program, often traveling to distant sites to offer expert support for the program that provides estate planning documents to first responders and veterans. He volunteers at more than ten WFH programs a year.

Barbin (center) is pictured receiving his award from PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis and PBA administrative assistant and WFH Regional Coordinator Gabriele Miller-Wagner.

Gilroy Receives 2018 PBA Pro Bono Award, Jan. 24, 2018
Hubert Gilroy (center) received a PBA Pro Bono Award Jan. 24 at the Cumberland County Bar Association & Foundation President’s Dinner. Gilroy was honored for his work helping embezzlement victims recover lost funds and handling custody cases via the CCBA Pro Bono Program. Pictured with Gilroy are PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis and MidPenn Legal Services Managing Attorney Paul Edger.

Cumberland County Lawyers Receive Pro Bono Awards, January 2017
Shown below, Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis presents PBA Pro Bono Awards to Paul Primrose (holding award) and Diane Radcliff (second from right) at the Cumberland County Bar Association Annual Dinner on Jan. 26. Click here to read the text of the presentation.

MidPenn Legal Services 2015-16 Fact Sheet, Posted January 2017
The legal-aid provider in Cumberland County is MidPenn Legal Services. Read the overview of the MidPenn's services to counties in 2015-16. Read the report on MidPenn's services in Cumberland County in 2015-16.

Pro Bono Appreciation Breakfast, Oct. 18, 2016
Get more information..

Cumberland County Lawyers Receive 2015 Pro Bono Awards, January 2016
Shown below, PBA President William H. Pugh V presents PBA Pro Bono Awards to Gregory H. Knight of Mechanicsburg for his protection-from-abuse pro bono defense work and Hannah R. Suhr of Camp Hill for her work with the Wills for Heroes program providing free estate-planning documents for police, firefighters and emergency medical personnel.

Presentation on 'Barriers to Employment and Housing Opportunities', June 2, 2015
MidPenn Legal Services, in cooperation with the Cumberland County Bar Foundation and Cumberland County Bar Association, hosted an informational session on June 2 titled "Barriers to Employment and Housing Opportunities," with a presentation by Nick Matash, staff attorney for MidPenn Legal Services. Read about it at

Pro Bono 'Cat in the Hat' Visits Carlisle School, March 2, 2015
Linda Cecconello, pro bono coordinator of the Cumberland County Bar Association, read the book The Cat in the Hat to the first grade at the Mooreland School in celebration of Dr. Seuss's birthday, March 2, 2015. She is pictured below with local police officers who joined in the public-edu cation outreach.

Judge Hess Receives Castille Award, Jan. 22, 2015
Cumberland County President Judge Kevin A. Hess was honored with the presentation of the 2015 Chief Justice Ronald D. Castille Award at the annual meeting of the Cumberland County Bar Association, Jan. 22. The award, previously called the Judges Award, has been renamed in recognition of the former chief justice of Pennsylvania. It is presented annually to a judge selected by the PBA Legal Service to the Public Committee for his or her exceptional contributions to improving civil legal aid in the commonwealth. Hess received the award for his work improving legal services to those in need. Shown in the presentation photo above are, from left, Judge Hess, PBA President Francis X. O'Connor and Samuel W. Milkes, executive director of the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network.

2013 Cumberland County PBA Pro Bono Attorney of the Year: Megan Riesmeyer
The Pennsylvania Bar Association, through its Legal Services to the Public Committee, joined the Cumberland County Bar Association and its CCBA Pro Bono Committee in honoring Megan Riesmeyer as the recipient of the 2013 PBA Pro Bono Award. Shown are award recipient Riesmeyer, right, with PBA County Bar Services Director Nicole Antos and Rob Kline, outgoing president of the CCBA. Read more about the award presentation.

Celebration of National Pro Bono Week, Oct. 21-25, 2013
The Cumberland County Bar Foundation, in partnership with the Cumberland County Bar Association, MidPenn Legal Services and Penn State University Dickinson School of Law, will be celebrating National Pro Bono Week with an educational program in Cumberland County schools titled "The Lifelong Impact of a Criminal Record."

Pro Bono Awards Presented at Cumberland County Bar Association Gathering, Jan. 24, 2013
From left, John W. Frommer, Samuel L. Andes and Bret P. Shaffer; Andes received a PBA 2012 Pro Bono Award; Frommer and Shaffer each received the Cumberland County Bar Associatio',s 2012 Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award.

Andes with PBA President Forest N. Myers

Marcus A. McKnight III, left, and Myers.

Cumberland County Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Diversion Program Resources, March 2012
Find the agenda for the for the residential mortgage foreclosure diversion training program held March 9, 2012, as posted to the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network website, with links to video of the program and training materials on the Penn State Dickinson School of Law website.

Cumberland County Bar Foundation 40 - 50 - 60 Years of Service Reception, Oct. 27, 2011

Presentation of the 2011 Pro Bono Award, Cumberland County Bar Association; from left, Hubert Gilroy, George B. Faller Jr., Katie Maxwell, state Supreme Court Justice J. Michael Eakin, Jennifer Spears, PBA Vice President Forest N. Myers, Thomas J. Williams, David Fitzsimons, Chris VanLandingham and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David K. Trevaskis

Public Meetings During 2011 National Pro Bono Week
The Cumberland County Bar Association is partnering with Penn State Dickinson School of Law Family and Elder Protection Clinics and MidPenn Legal Services to sponsor two public-service evening events, Oct. 24 and 26. Click here for information.

MidPenn Legal Services Cumberland County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2014-15
MidPenn Legal Services Program-Wide Fact Sheet, FY 2014-15
MidPenn Legal Services Cumberland County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2010-11
MidPenn Legal Services Program-Wide Fact Sheet, FY 2010-11
MidPenn Legal Services Cumberland County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2009-10

MidPenn Legal Services Program-Wide Fact Sheet, FY 2009-10


Cumberland County Bar Association Direct Service Pro Bono Program PowerPoint Presentation, December 2010

2010 National Pro Bono Week
Members of the Cumberland County Bar Association participated in public service events at two locations during National Pro Bono Week. The Very Important Papers (VIP) Program was held at the Fredricksen Library in Camp Hill on Oct. 26 and at the Bosler Library in Carlisle on Oct. 27. The CCBA membership recognizes that many Cumberland County residents do not have their Very Important Papers (i.e., Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorneys and Advance Health Directives) in order. Members of the Cumberland County Bar Association were available to review and distribute the VIP inventory brochure.

'Know Your Credit Rights Campaign', Oct. 29, 2010
The Cumberland County Bar Association (CCBA), along with the PBA and 32 other county bar associations, has launched a new credit rights public education campaign. As part of the campaign, the associations are distributing a free "Know Your Credit Rights" brochure with information on the new federal rules designed to help protect credit card users. A copy of the brochure is available from the CCBA office or download a PDF version of the credit rights brochure. Read the PB',s campaign announcement.

Mid-Year Meeting Celebrates Public Service, June 22, 2010
At the CCBA Mid-Year Meeting, Linda Cecconello, recently hired as the first CCBA Pro Bono Coordinator, presented an update on the ba',s pro bono program and helped celebrate the presentation of two main pro bono awards to Hubert X. Gilroy (IOLTA Award) and Christopher C. Houston (Stuart Award). Click here for more on the awards. Cecconello can be reached at 32 S. Bedford Street, Carlisle, Pa. 17013; phone: (717) 249-3166, fax: (717) 249-2663 ; e-mail: [email protected]; website: website:

Midyear Meeting Photos, June 22, 2010
Penn State Dickinson Public Interest Law Week, April 2010
Cumberland County Pro Bono Options, 2010
MidPenn Legal Services Cumberland County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2008-09
MidPenn Legal Services Program-Wide Fact Sheet, FY 2008-09
County Pro Bono Information Sheet, 2007