Probono Coordinator
Pro Bono in this County:
Information is currently being updated.
Armstrong County is part of the 10-county region covered by Summit Legal Aid.
PBA/Laurel Legal Services Legal Needs Clinic, June 12, 2018
The Kittanning PA Career Link was the site of the June 12, 2018, PBA/Laurel Legal Services Legal Needs Clinic. Pictured below is Laurel Legal’s Executive Director Renee Williams meeting with one of the clients of the IOLTA-funded program. “They were extremely helpful,” one client shared. “I would definitely recommend them to others.” Marie Dillon-Griffith, executive director of the Career Link Center, noted “Having done this for 14 years, helping people address their challenges for meeting employment, I see the impact of legal obstacles for reaching those goals.” She continued, “It was great to have the Laurel Legal and PBA folks here at Career Link—it was a great first step in what we hope will be an ongoing collaboration!”