
If you are in need of legal aid, click here and fill out the PBA Pro Bono Program Legal Assistance Request Form you find there. You should also check out The search engine on the website is excellent. Enter the county where you are having the problem and list the area of law to locate resources to pursue.

If you are a pro bono volunteer, the entry below will outline how pro bono is done in this county and detail any organized pro bono program for you to work with here. You can also go to the main PBA pro bono site for lawyers, and check out and sign up on Check out the The Pro Bono Program Directory is a searchable database of organizations that are seeking the assistance of volunteer pro bono advocates. You can find an opportunity that meets your volunteer goal by using the guide's filters to find an opportunity in your locality and legal area of preference.


Probono Coordinator

Pro Bono in this County:

Information is currently being updated.

Armstrong County is part of the 10-county region covered by Summit Legal Aid.

PBA/Laurel Legal Services Legal Needs Clinic, June 12, 2018
The Kittanning PA Career Link was the site of the June 12, 2018, PBA/Laurel Legal Services Legal Needs Clinic.  Pictured below is Laurel Legal’s Executive Director Renee Williams meeting with one of the clients of the IOLTA-funded program. “They were extremely helpful,” one client shared.  “I would definitely recommend them to others.” Marie Dillon-Griffith, executive director of the Career Link Center, noted “Having done this for 14 years, helping people address their challenges for meeting employment, I see the impact of legal obstacles for reaching those goals.”  She continued, “It was great to have the Laurel Legal and PBA folks here at Career Link—it was a great first step in what we hope will be an ongoing collaboration!”