Section 330


Rule 330.  Committees of the House.

(a)  The House of Delegates shall have the following committees:

(1)    The Committee on Credentials and Admissions, which shall consist of five Delegates in the House, shall have jurisdiction to consider and report on all questions which arise as to the roster of Delegates in the House, and the qualifications, selection and credentials of Delegates.

(2)    The Committee on Rules and Calendar, which shall consist of five Delegates in the House, shall have the duties of (a) preparing a calendar and order of business for each meeting of the House. This Committee shall furnish to the Secretary, for distribution to the Delegates in the House, at least 45 days before the date set for the Annual Meeting, or 30 days before the date set for any other meeting of the House, a calendar of the business proposed for such meeting; and (b) upon reference by the House or by its Chair, holding hearings on any matter on which Members who are not Delegates in the House ask an opportunity to present their views. The Committee shall promptly designate the time and place (which may be at any time during the year) at which the Committee will hold a requested hearing and shall give notice reasonably in advance thereof to the person, or persons, requesting that hearing.  The Committee, upon its own initiative, may invite any person to attend any hearing conducted by the Committee. The Committee shall promptly file its report and any recommendations on any hearing with the Chair of the House. If the House is in session, or is about to meet, when such report is made, the report shall be calendared for prompt consideration by the House. If the House is not in session, or about to meet, when the report of the Committee is filed, the Chair of the House, in his or her discretion, may cause copies of such report to be distributed to the Delegates in the House for consideration at its next meeting.

(3)    The Committee on Draft, which shall consist of five Delegates in the House, shall have the duty of considering, and reporting to the House concerning any resolutions, reports, recommendations, or other matters referred to it under Rule 345(d).

(b)  Unless otherwise directed by the House as to a particular Committee, the Chair of the House shall appoint the Committees of the House and shall fill vacancies arising in any Committee of the House. The President and the Chair of the House shall be ex officio Members of all Committees of the House.

(c)  Unless otherwise directed by the House, the members of each Committee of the House shall serve until the adjournment of the next annual meeting of the House after their appointment, and thereafter until their successors have been appointed.

(d)  The House may from time to time create and have such other Committees of the House as it may deem desirable for the furtherance of its business.

(e)  For the purpose of furthering the consideration of a subject at any meeting of the House, the Chair of the House may, in his or her discretion and in advance of such meeting, appoint a special Committee of Delegates in the House, to consider such subject and report to the House concerning it. Unless otherwise voted by the House, any Committee so appointed shall not continue beyond the adjournment of that meeting of the House.