Section 902

Section 902. Zone Delegates in the House of Delegates Generally. (a) One-third, as nearly as may be, of the Zone Delegates to which a Zone is entitled under Section 301(3) or (4) of the Bylaws shall be elected annually by the Active Members accredited to the Zone from among their number. Each Zone Delegate shall be elected for a term of three years, commencing with the adjournment of the Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates in the year of election and thereafter until a successor is duly elected. 

(b) The Secretary, on the basis of the membership of the Association on December 1st of each year shall publish in January a schedule, confined to the Zones electing Zone Delegates that year, showing the number of Active Members accredited to each Zone, divided by counties, and showing the number of Delegates in the House to be elected from each Zone. This schedule shall be accompanied by an explanation setting forth the procedure and deadlines for the filing of nominations for Zone Delegates by Local Bar Association Presidents and by nominating petitions filed by Active Members accredited to the Zone. 

(c) An annual election shall be conducted in any Zone not then normally scheduled for an election, if on the basis of its membership on December 1st of any such year, a Zone is entitled to one or more additional Delegates. 

(d) The President of each Local Bar Association, if a Member of this Association, in office 90 days prior to the first day of the Annual Meeting of the House immediately preceding the commencement of the term of the Delegates to be elected, may nominate one candidate for each Zone Delegate to be elected from the Zone in which the Local Bar Association is located. 

(e) Additional nominations may be made by petition signed by 25 Active Members accredited to the same Zone as the candidate on whose behalf the petition is filed. 

(f) All such nominations and petitions shall be filed with the Secretary at Association Headquarters not later than two months prior to the first day of the Annual Meeting of the House and shall be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee. 

(g)  If an office is contested, the Secretary shall cause ballots to be prepared and sent to Active Members accredited to the Zone where the contest exists.  All ballots must be returned to the Secretary not less than one month prior to the Annual Meeting.  The persons receiving the largest number of votes cast, up to the number to be elected, shall be elected Delegates in the House.  Cumulative voting shall not be permitted.  When two or more Delegates are to be elected each Active Member may vote for any number up to the number to be elected.  Other procedures incident to the election shall be as prescribed by the Board of Governors.

For the purpose of this section, the term "written ballot" shall include a ballot sent or returned via email.