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Lancaster County Pro Bono Information

Wolman Honored with Pro Bono Award, July 13, 2016
The PBA and Lancaster Bar Association (LBA) joined with MidPenn Legal Services to honor Lancaster attorney James D. Wolman for his pro bono work at a special luncheon on July 13, 2016. Wolman has been active in the LBA's Volunteer Attorney Program since 1988. He regularly accepts pro bono referrals across many areas of family law-support, custody and protection-from-abuse and takes an average of four pro bono cases per year. Recently, as community resources to provide free legal representation to victims of domestic violence in protection-from-abuse proceedings have diminished, Wolman's pro bono service has become increasingly concentrated in that area. MidPenn staff note that "He brings the wisdom of a seasoned family law practitioner and an understanding of the complex dynamics of domestic violence to these cases." Wolman was recognized by the LBA in 2005 for his commitment to pro bono service. In the decade since receiving that recognition, he has continued to demonstrate a true commitment to assisting individuals unable to afford counsel. Domestic violence destabilizes families and can impact housing, employment and the safety, stability and emotional health of children. Often, a protection-from-abuse order is the first step in restoring order and stability to the life of a family turned upside down by violence in the home. Wolman's pro bono assistance helps individuals and families obtain this critical fresh start. At a time when both civil legal aid resources and volunteer attorney participation are in decline, Wolman's service is more valuable than ever to the community. When advised that he was awarded the 2015 PBA Pro Bono Award, Wolman was surprised and humbled that he was being singled out for recognition. To him, pro bono work integrates "seamlessly" with the rest of his practice. In his view, pro bono service is just a natural part of his work as a lawyer. Shown below at the luncheon are (from left) LBA President Terry Warco; Sharon Wolman; James Wolman; PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis; Laurie Baughman, MidPenn deputy director for legal advocacy and managing attorney of the Lancaster MidPenn office; Angely Rodriguez, MidPenn Volunteer Attorney Program coordinator; MidPenn board member Rich Low; and James Kearney, MidPenn director of development.

MidPenn Legal Services 2015-16 Fact Sheet, Posted January 2017
The legal-aid provider in Lancaster County is MidPenn Legal Services. Read the overview of the MidPenn's services to counties in 2015-16. Read the report on MidPenn's services in Lancaster County in 2015-16.

'Wills for Heroes' Events in 2014
The PBA Young Lawyers Division and the Wills for Heroes Foundation, with sponsorship by Ballard Spahr LLP, is holding a series of "Wills for Heroes" events across Pennsylvania. At these events, free wills and powers of attorney are prepared for police officers, firefighters and other first responders who risk their lives every day to make sure our communities are safe. Programs are staffed by lawyer volunteers and are conveniently offered to first responders at meeting halls and police and fire stations. At these events volunteer lawyers will be conducting a program for all active and retired Pennsylvania first responders, all sworn personnel and their spouses, partners or significant others (please note that proof of affiliation will be requested at the event). For more information on the program, visit the Wills for Heroes Foundation at www.willsforheroes.org or the PBA website at www.pabar.org/public/yld/Projects/willsforheroesyld.asp. The events in Lancaster County are jointly sponsored by the Lancaster Area Paralegal Association and the Lancaster Bar Association and will be held at the Lancaster County Public Safety Training Center, 101 Champ Blvd., Manheim, on the following dates: March 8, May 31, Sept. 6 and Dec. 6. For information on events in Lancaster County, contact Cindy Geib at [email protected] or Eric Rothermel at [email protected].

Jewell Honored with PBA's Ernico Award at Lancaster Event, Feb. 27, 2013
The Pennsylvania Bar Association's Legal Services to the Public Committee honors late Lancaster lawyer Kenneth R. Jewell with its Jeffrey A. Ernico Award. Read more about the award.

In the photo above Caroline Hoffer, Chair of the Memorial Resolution Committee, accepts the award for Jewell's widow, Rosemary, from Jeffrey A. Ernico, with, to her left, Matthew J. Creme Jr., PBA immediate past president, and Samuel W. Milkes, executive director of the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network, in attendance.

Remarks by PBA President Matthew J. Creme Jr. Calling for Support of Civil Legal Aid at LBAF Event, Sept. 22, 2011

MidPenn Legal Services Lancaster County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2010-11
MidPenn Legal Services Program-Wide Fact Sheet, FY 2010-11

2011 Pro Bono Awards for Lancaster
     Eric Rothermel: Rothermel was admitted to the practice of law in Pennsylvania in October 2009. He has made pro bono service part of his practice from the very beginning. He took his first pro bono case through the Volunteer Attorney Program in September 2009 and has handled 11 pro bono matters since then, including one custody case which required over 100 hours of work. He also serves as a co-coordinator of Lancaster County's Wills for Heroes program, which, through a team of volunteer attorneys and paralegals, provides free estate planning services to our county's primary responders (fire, police, EMT) and their spouses. In addition, Rothermel has assisted low-income taxpayers with tax return preparation through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program

     Angela Flouras Rieck: Rieck began her career as a judicial clerk, then entered private practice in October 2008. She immediately became active in the Volunteer Attorney Program and has handled 11 pro bono custody and Protection From Abuse cases since then. In addition, she has served since 2009 on Lancaster County's Youth Aid Panel, a panel of community members which works with first-time juvenile offenders and their parents to foster satisfactory alternative resolutions. She has also volunteered her time with the Wills for Heroes program, which provides free estate planning assistance to primary responders (police, fire, EMT).

MidPenn Legal Services Lancaster County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2014-15
MidPenn Legal Services Program-Wide Fact Sheet, FY 2014-15
MidPenn Legal Services Lancaster County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2009-10
MidPenn Legal Services Program-Wide Fact Sheet, FY 2009-10
Susan K. Danforth to Receive 2010 PLAN Award March 23
Wills for Heroes Event in Lancaster County, Jan. 9, 2010
Lancaster County Pro Bono Options, 2010
MidPenn Legal Services Lancaster County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2008-09
MidPenn Legal Services Program-Wide Fact Sheet, FY 2008-09
MidPenn Legal Services and SouthEast Lancaster Health Services Form Medical Legal Partnership for Families, January 2008
Local MidPenn Office Information Sheet, 2007
County Bar Contact Information
Lancaster Bar Past Presidents Hit the Road
Carolyn Hetrick Receives Pro Bono Award
Lancaster Bar Foundation Custody Attorney Campaign