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York County Pro Bono

York County Expungement Clinic, April 4, 2016
An expungement informational clinic co-sponsored by the York County Bar Association will be held at the Martin Library in York, Pa., on April 4. Read more in the event flier, available in English and Spanish.

York County Pro Bono Check Presentation to MidPenn Legal Services, Jan. 12, 2016

York pro bono guru Lawrence V. Young announces the presentation of a big check (both in size and amount, $93,360) to MidPenn Legal Services at the Jan. 12 county bar dinner. Holding the check, from left, are Carrie Bowmaster, MPLS lawyer and head of the MPLS York office, and Victoria Connor, York County Bar Association CEO.

Miskey Honored at York Bar Dinner, Jan. 12, 2016

Howard Miskey, former MidPenn Legal Services director of advocacy and part-time managing attorney for the MPLS York office, was honored at the Jan. 12 county bar dinner with the 2015 Civil Legal Aid Attorney of the Year Award. The award recognizes his efforts to help forge the great partnership between the York County Bar Association and York County Bar Foundation and MPLS. Jointly nominated by those two bar entities, Miskey�s legacy is captured by the words of his former boss at MPLS, Rhodia Thomas: �[Howard] always put clients and client service first while providing advocates with the support they needed to enable them to deliver the highest quality of service.� In the photo PBA President William H. Pugh V, right, and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis, left, present the award to Carrie Bowmaster, head of the MPLS York office. Read about this and other awards made during the event.

Menges Receives 2015 Pro Bono Award, Jan. 12, 2016

Chris Menges (now Judge Menges) received a 2015 PBA Pro Bono Award by joint nomination of the York County Bar Association and MidPenn Legal Services, reflecting the partnership of private practice attorneys, local bars and local legal aid programs that remains the core model for pro bono service. Menges� nominators said this about him: �Chris has handled pro bono referrals for years and he has been willing to accept custody cases at all stages and participates in both the divorce and custody pro se clinics. In addition, he also encourages the attorneys in his office to accept pro bono referrals resulting in the firm having 100 percent participation. His willingness to help has resulted in clients obtaining representation when they otherwise would have had to represent themselves.� In the photo, PBA President William H. Pugh V, right, and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis, left, present the award to Judge Menges.

Judge Linebaugh Receives Castille Award, Jan. 12, 2016

York County Court of Common Pleas President Judge Stephen P. Linebaugh was celebrated with the 2015 Chief Justice Ronald D. Castille Award for his work establishing and institutionalizing the York County Court Self-Help Center. Megan Dietz, director, York County Court Self-Help Law Resource Center, shared why Judge Linebaugh�s work here was so significant: �The Court Self-Help Center offers another option for those who are unable to afford an attorney, and we strive to make the self-represented litigant�s experience navigating the legal system a little easier. Providing access to the courts to all persons is the right thing to do, and the Court Self-Help Center serves the litigant as well as the court by providing means for clearer, more efficient filings. People fill the center on a daily basis; the number of visitors finding assistance in the center is testament alone to the need for such a resource.� In the photo, PBA President William H. Pugh V, right, and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis, left, present the award to Judge Linebaugh.

Ernico Award Presented to York County�s Lawrence V. Young, Jan. 12, 2016

Lawrence V. Young was honored with the Jeffrey A. Ernico Award. The award celebrates the pro bono accomplishments of Harrisburg attorney Jeffrey A. Ernico and his long-standing commitment to equal justice and serving those who had nowhere else to turn. The award is an occasional award of the PBA Legal Services to the Public Committee, given to such individuals and groups as the committee, from time to time, determines have provided unique service that has resulted in significant improvement in the provision of legal services to the neediest among us. Larry has spent a lifetime doing just that. As it reads on the plaque, �A Champion of Access to Justice, Larry Young has provided pro bono service and leadership in York County and beyond. His example and his leadership in the field is greatly appreciated.� In the photo, PBA President William H. Pugh V, right, and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis, left, present the award to Young.

York Bar Commits More Than $294,000 for Justice Programs in 2015
In 2015, the York County Bar Foundation, the charitable arm of the York County Bar Association, committed $294,431 in funding for legal justice programs in York County. Read the news release.

Russo of York County Receives Pro Bono Partner Award, Oct. 6, 2015
PBA President-elect Sara Austin and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis flank York County Pro Bono Partner Award winner Robert Russo at the York County Community Forum on Legal Aid, Oct. 6.

Wills for Heroes Clinic, Sept. 19, 2015
The Pennsylvania Bar Association, in association with the Young Lawyers Section of the York County Bar Association, the York County Paralegal Association and Leave a Legacy of York County, a program of the York County Bar Foundation, is proud to bring the Wills for Heroes program to York County veterans. Wills for Heroes is a free and easy service that provides wills, living wills, and health care and financial powers of attorney to local veterans, first responders and their spouses/partners. Programs are staffed by lawyer volunteers and are conveniently offered to first responders at meeting halls and police and fire stations. On Sept. 19, volunteer paralegals and lawyers will be conducting a Wills for Heroes program for all York County veterans. The event will be held at the Penn State York, 1031 Edgecomb Ave., York, in the Lee R. Glatfelter Library. For information on this event please contact Wills for Heroes Program Coordinator MacGregor Brillhart of Stock and Leader at 717-849-4106 or by email at [email protected]. For more information on the Wills for Heroes program, see https://www.pabar.org/public/yld/Projects/willsforheroesyld.asp

Narrowing the Justice Gap in York County, Sept. 24, 2014
The York County Bar Association has been forging ahead with its work focusing on narrowing the justice gap; the draft summary and the full report from the the York County Bar Foundation show the bar is making significant progress.

York County Bar Foundation Annual Report for 2013

Bar Foundation of York County Growth Chart 2008-2013

From left, York attorney and pro bono champion Larry Young, York Bar CEO Victoria Connor and MidPenn Legal Services� Ben Hooper during the symbolic check presentation of more than $137,000 from the York County Bar Foundation in 2013 support for MidPenn to help promote legal aid for the neediest in York.

Fall 2013 Pro Bono Events
York County is moving forward with pro bono this fall. As an outgrowth of the York County Bar Association�s (YCBA) Legal Services Task Force (LSTF), all 15 recommendations were adopted on Aug. 30, with an investment of $427,833 over a 2.25 year period for the YCBA's access to justice initiatives. Also attached are the presentation and final report. The York County Bar Foundation�s (YCBF) 2012 annual report provides a snapshot of the YCBA's programs and growth. The following three Pro Bono Week events are planned for October:

Oct. 22: Evening YCBF reception for major donors and major donor prospects featuring guest speaker Sharon Browning.

Oct. 23: 8 a.m. "Thanks for Giving Breakfast" � Buffet breakfast for all 2012 pro bono caseworkers and alternative service fee donors featuring a short program guest speaker Sharon Browning � go to the invitation.

10 a.m. Ribbon Cutting & Launch of the York County Court of Common Pleas Self Represented Litigant Help Center � In conjunction with the YCBF, the York County courts and the York County Economic Alliance (YCEA), the YCBA will conduct a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Self Help Center to be located in the York County Judicial Center. Attendees will include the County Commissioners, all state representatives, court-related officials, members of the bench and bar, YCEA staff and YCEA Ambassadors (volunteers from the business community).

Oct. 31: Pro Bono Opportunities in York County lunch and learn seminar, with free CLE, sponsored by the Young Lawyers Section. Lunch at noon, program 12:15-1:15 p.m. Panelists and topics include the following: Larry Young, Bankruptcy/Consumer Debt; Benn Hooper, Mid Penn & Custody/Divorce; Mac Brillhart, �Wills For Heroes�; Hon. Penny L. Blackwell, Guardianship Monitor Program; Mary Weaver, Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center ("PIRC"); Paula Silverstein, Custody Conciliation & Post Conciliation. Get more information.

York County Bar Association and Foundation Legal Services Task Force Final Report, June 6, 2013
Read the report. Go to the task force recommendation implementation timeline for 2013-15.

2013 Awards Program

York County Bar Foundation (YCBF) Pro Bono Committee Chair Larry Young and MidPenn Legal Services (MLS) Pro Bono Award recipient Frank Countess present MPLS Executive Director Rhodia Thomas with a check from the foundation in the amount of $42,675, which includes a grant and alternative service fees from York County Bar Association members.

MPLS Pro Bono Award recipient Frank Countess with MPLS Executive Director Rhodia Thomas

PBA Pro Bono award recipient with PBA President Thomas G. Wilkinson Jr., left, with MPLS Pro Bono Award recipient Leanne Miller and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis

YCBF Pro Bono Committee Chair Larry Young stresses the "Remember Why!" theme.

York County Bar's Connor on Central Pennsylvania Pro Bono Efforts, February 2013
Read the article by Victoria A. Connor, CEO of the York County Bar Association/York County Bar Foundation, titled "What will become of pro bono? Pro bono community partnerships making a difference in Central PA," from the Central Penn Business Journal supplement, Feb. 1, 2013.

Legal Services Task Force Planning Retreat PowerPoint, Dec. 7, 2012

Hope for the Holiday Toy Drive, Deadline Dec. 15, 2011
The York County Bar Association/Foundation, the Berks County Bar Association and the Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center (PIRC) want to help ensure that the children housed at the Berks Family Shelter receive a gift in celebration of the upcoming holidays. Click here for information on how to donate.

Vedder Receives 2011 PBA Pro Bono Award

From left, Emma Vedder, daughter of winner; Clyde W. Vedder, 2011 PBA Pro Bono Award recipient; his wife, Beth; and David Keller Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator

From left, Ben Hooper, MidPenn York; Angela Eveler, Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center; Vedder; David Trevaskis; and Rhodia Thomas, MidPenn Legal Services and Co-Chair, PBA Access to Justice Committee

From left, Hon. Richard K. Renn; Vedder; and Hon Clarence N. Patterson Jr.

York County Bar Reception Celebrates 2011 National Pro Bono Week, Oct. 19

MidPenn Legal Services York County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2010-11
MidPenn MidPenn Legal Services York County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2010-11

MidPenn Legal Services York County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2009-10
MidPenn Legal Services Program-Wide Fact Sheet, FY 2009-10

York County Wills for Heroes Coordinator MacGregor Brillhart and other York County attorneys and area notaries held their first Wills for Heroes Event on Sept. 18, 2010, at the United Way of York County.�Thirty-nine first responders received free wills and powers of attorney.

York County Bar Association and Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center Receive 2010 Louis J. Goffman Award �

York County Pro Bono Options, 2010

MidPenn Legal Services York County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2008-09
MidPenn Legal Services Program-Wide Fact Sheet, FY 2008-09

Pro Bono Open House, Oct. 26, 2009

Photos from the Pro Bono Week Open House, Oct. 26, 2009

President Judge Richard K. Renn delivers opening remarks

Michael W. Flannelly, the city solicitor, recipient of the award for helping to streamline IFP process

Susan R. Emmons, recipient of PBA Pro Bono Award, in particular for custody and divorce workshops�

Brook K. Pomper, recipient of MidPenn Pro Bono Recognition Award for taking pro bono cases

Celebrating the Successful Campaign to Hire a Family Lawyer at MidPenn Legal Services, Press Release, January 2008
Successful Campaign to Hire a Family Lawyer at MidPenn Legal Services, Press Release, January 2008
Successful Campaign to Hire a Family Lawyer at MidPenn Legal Services, PowerPoint Presentation, January 2008
Client Story: When a Parent Snatches a Child, January 2008
Local MidPenn Office Information Sheet, 2007
March 2006 County Bar Recognition Award