Annual Pro Bono CLE Roundup, Washington County, Oct. 29, 2015
The Washington County Bar Association is holding its Annual Pro Bono CLE Roundup on Oct. 29, noon to 4 p.m., at First Presbyterian Church, 100 East Wheeling St., Washington, Pa. The roundup will feature lunch and a CLE program offering 4 CLE credits. The program is free to pro bono panelists. If you are not currently an active Pro Bono panelist but would like to sign-up to serve, just choose "Yes, Sign Me Up!" on the Event Registration page and you will be mailed the panel registration materials. You may register for the Oct. 29 CLE as a Pro Bono Panelist. If you do not accept at least one pro bono referral by Nov. 25, you will be billed for the CLE credits (credits will not be submitted until paid).
Bar Meeting, Oct. 27, 2014
Meadows Casino, 5:50 p.m.; Delvin's 4:30 p.m. PBA Malpractice Avoidance Program (1.5 ethics CLE for $30; Attendees may be eligible for up to 7.5% discount on PBA Insurance LPL Premium through USI Affinity) No fee to audit or to attend 5:45 p.m. bar meeting (coffee service only). Both of the above will be held in the LOWER LEVEL of the Casino (down escalator, to the right). Business meeting agenda: Election of 2015 Officers. The CLE/Bar Meeting will be followed from 6-8 p.m. by the WCBF-YLD 9th annual Charity MiniGolf & Wine & Beer Tasting Tournament, Meadows Casino, Lower Level, Triple Crown Room. For more information or to sign up for programs, contact Mary R. Bates, chief legal officer, Washington City Mission; email: [email protected]; phone: 724-222-8530; fax: 724-222-3510.
W&J Homecoming CLE 'Tackling Concussions,' Oct. 25, 2014
Pro Bono "Oktoberfest" Party on the Porch, Oct. 22, 2014
Celebrate Pro Bono Month and join us on the porch to toast to WCBA's Pro Bono Volunteers of the Year: Mary Bates and Brian Gorman. Bar office, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Certificates of Appreciation will be distributed to all WCBA pro bono volunteers at the event. These are volunteers of the bar association's formal pro bono programs, including Legal Aid Conflict, Modest Means, Limited Representation Custody and Wills for Heroes or the City Mission's Legal Clinic. See the list of pro bono volunteers.
WCBA Pro Bono CLE Roundup, Oct. 17, 2014
Wills for Heroes Sessions, Oct. 4, 2014
Washington County's First 'Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year' Awardees Bowman and Rundquist Honored Oct. 29, 2012
Attorneys Rebecca A. Bowman and David E. Rundquist Jr. are the recipients of the Washington County Bar Association's inaugural "Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year" award. The attorneys were selected by the bar association's Pro Bono and Lawyer Referral Services Committee for their outstanding contributions of legal services through organized pro bono programs to the indigent of Washington County. Find out more.
WCBA Lawyer Referral Service Brochure, Posted March 2011
WCBA Modest Means Brochure, Posted March 2011
Washington County Pro Bono Options, 2010
County Bar Contact Information
WCBA Winter Bench Bar, Feb. 2, 2007
March 2005 County Bar Recognition Award
2002 Resolution
Washington County Lawyer Trains as Wills for Heroes Event Coordinator, October 2009
Jake Polochak, a Washington County lawyer, traveled across the commonwealth on Saturday, Oct. 17, 2009, to take part in the Wills for Heroes pro bono event at the Lower Merion Township Building.
Wills for Heroes provides free wills, living wills, health care and financial powers of attorney to first responders and their spouses/partners. The foundation was started in response to the tragic events of 9/11. Of the 403 first responders who died that day, most did not have a will in place. This program provides free wills and other estate planning documents to our local heroes using a program supplied free-of-charge by LexisNexis. In Pennsylvania, it is a project of the PBA Young Lawyers Division and co-sponsored by Ballard Spahr L.L.P.
Polochak worked with PBA YLD Wills for Heroes Chair Dan McKenna and a cadre of local volunteers to provide wills and other estate planning documents for 31 first responders. In addition to providing his direct pro bono service during the clinic, Polochak learned how to set up and execute clinics, becoming the first certified Wills for Heroes coordinator in southwestern Pennsylvania. Polochak's first order of business upon returning home is scheduling a Wills for Heroes event in Washington County.
Washington County was one of the first counties in Pennsylvania to affiliate itself with the national Wills for Heroes organization, and Kathy Sabol, Washington County Bar Executive, is excited that Polochak will be coordinating the local Wills for Heroes efforts. David Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator, noted, "Washington County is a great leader in pro bono service of all kinds and it is in keeping with the sense of service embraced by the local bar that Jake Polochak would become the third certified local Wills for Heroes coordinator statewide."
Clients will sign-up in advance and receive a questionnaire to be completed and brought to a scheduled appointment. Data entry will be required and all participants will receive a single copy of their will. Typically one client is serviced per hour. Spouses/partners will have the option of waiving the conflict and of working with the same attorney(s) - in that case, the appointment is generally 1.5 hours.
If you have any questions about the statewide program please contact Daniel McKenna at [email protected]. For more information on the program, visit the Wills for Heroes section of the PBA Web site at or visit the Wills for Heroes Foundation at