Algeo Receives ABA Jean Crowe Award, Aug. 6, 2016
Bucks County lawyer Judith A. Algeo has received the Jean Crowe Pro Bono Award from the American Bar Association Family Law Section. The award presentation was made at the section�s Annual Meeting in San Francisco, Calif., on Aug. 6. Given annually to a lawyer who has made significant contributions to family-law clients on a pro bono basis in their community, the award was presented to Algeo in recognition of her dedication to representing the underprivileged in Bucks County. Read more about the award.
Legal Aid and Pro Bono in Bucks County, 2016
Bucks County Pro Bono Reception, Oct. 28, 2015
Meg Groff was awarded a 2015 Pro Bono Award on during the Bucks County Pro Bono Reception, Oct. 28, for her support of the needs of the indigent for most of her 31-year professional career, beginning in the early 1980's. Groff has made a career of public service, first as an attorney working for Bucks County Legal Aid, where she worked tirelessly to provide legal representation to victims of domestic violence, and later as a board member to the merged legal-services organization known as Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania. She was also on the board of A Woman's Place for many years. Additionally, after going in to private practice, she regularly volunteered her time to represent victims of domestic violence. Now, as she looks to retirement, it is fitting to recognize her for all the positive work she has done to assist victims of domestic violence throughout her career. She has truly made a change in the lives of thousands of individuals. Below is a photo of Groff receiving her award and a photo of the full house on hand for the event. In the third photo, lower left, are, left to right, Mitsue Shafer, Carol Wilbur, Mardi Busanus, Barbara Kaner and Jennifer Pierce, Esquire - all LASP staff. And in the fourth photo, left to right, are attendees Seth Weber, Carol Wilbur, Jennifer Pierce, Maryjane Kelley, Gregory Hill, Rhonda Sherrod, Barbara Kaner, Mardi Busanus and Mitsue Shafer.

Wills for Heroes Clinic, Sept. 19, 2015
The Pennsylvania Bar Association Young Lawyers Division and the Wills for Heroes Foundation, with sponsorship by Ballard Spahr LLP, are hosting upcoming events across Pennsylvania. At these events, free wills and powers of attorney are prepared for police officers, firefighters and other first responders who risk their lives every day to make sure our communities are safe. Programs are staffed by lawyer volunteers and are conveniently offered to first responders at meeting halls and police and fire stations. On Sept. 19, volunteer lawyers will be conducting a Wills for Heroes program for all Pennsylvania first responders (active and retired) and Military Veterans, all sworn personnel and their spouses, partners or significant others. The September 19th event will be held at the Warrington Township Emergency Services, 852 Easton Rd, Warrington, beginning at 11 am. If you have any questions about this event, please contact Sandy Romaszewski at [email protected]. For more information on the Wills for Heroes program, see
Pro Bono Reception, Oct. 29, 2014
The Bucks County Bar Association will be holding a Pro Bono Reception on Oct. 29, 2014, at 5 pm.
�Wills for Heroes� Events in 2014
The PBA Young Lawyers Division and the Wills for Heroes Foundation, with sponsorship by Ballard Spahr LLP, is holding a series of �Wills for Heroes� events across Pennsylvania. At these events, free wills and powers of attorney are prepared for police officers, firefighters and other first responders who risk their lives every day to make sure our communities are safe. Programs are staffed by lawyer volunteers and are conveniently offered to first responders at meeting halls and police and fire stations. At these events volunteer lawyers will be conducting a program for all active and retired Pennsylvania first responders, all sworn personnel and their spouses, partners or significant others (please note that proof of affiliation will be requested at the event). For more information on the program, visit the Wills for Heroes Foundation at or the PBA website at Following is information on events in Bucks County. If you have any questions about these events, contact Sandy Romaszewski at [email protected].
Feb. 1, Trevose Fire Company, 4900 Street Road, Trevose, beginning at 11 a.m.
April 5, Bucks County Public Safety/Emergency Services Training Center, 1760 S. Easton Road, Doylestown, beginning at 11 a.m.
April 26, Community Fire Company #1, 333 Delaware Road, Riegelsville, beginning at 11 a.m.
Bucks County Pro Bono Nonprofit Community Vendor Fair and Reception, Oct. 30, 2013
PBA President Forest N. Myers and legal aid champion Gerry McHugh were honored along with 2013 PBA Pro Bono Award winner Leslie Puida at the Bucks County Pro Bono Nonprofit Community Vendor Fair and Reception on Oct. 30. For the event the county bar invited 25 nonprofits from around the county to come in and set up information tables, giving the nonprofits some exposure with the legal community and at the same time help them recruit bar members for their various needs. Read Myers� remarks on presenting the PBA Pro Bono Award. Below are photos from the event.

Gerry McHugh

Myers and PBA Zone Nine Governor Herbert K. Sudfeld Jr.

Liz Fritsch and David Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator

Liz Fritsch accepting a $30,000 donation from the Charitable Foundation of the BCBA to Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania at the event
Cooper Receives 2012 Pro Bono Award, Winter 2012-13
Bucks County Judge C. Theodore Fritsch Jr. honored the pro bono service of Harry J. Cooper, presenting him with a 2012 PBA Pro Bono Award. Cooper routinely provides more than 100 hours of such service each year, taking some of the toughest cases that come into the PBA Pro Bono Office, particularly for veterans facing a myriad of problems, both civil and criminal. Judge Fritsch lauded Cooper and all pro bono attorneys for their service to the neediest among us.

David J. Juall Receives Arthur B. Walsh Jr. Award, Jan. 18, 2013
Bucks Pro Bono Reception Honors Martin Ghen, Oct. 24, 2012
Chalfont lawyer Martin N. Ghen received a PBA Pro Bono Award for his volunteer work representing clients in PFA matters during the Bucks County Bar Association's Pro Bono Week reception addressed by PBA President Thomas G. Wilkinson Jr. Click here for Wilkinson's remarks.

Martin N. Ghen, left, receives his PBA Pro Bono Award from PBA President Thomas G. Wilkinson Jr.
2010 National Pro Bono�Week
On Oct. 27, 2010, the Bucks County Bar Association held a reception to honor its pro bono volunteers. BCBA President Timothy J. Duffy, bar Pro Bono Coordinator Lisa D. Woodward, Legal Aid of Southeast Pennsylvania Co-Director Elizabeth Fritsch, LASP Pro Bono Coordinator Randi Riefner and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis all lauded the volunteers for their service. Linda Shick was presented with a PBA Pro Bono Award for going above and beyond in her pro bono commitment as she is often heard telling legal aid folks to "load me up."

PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis presents Bucks County Pro Bono Award winner Linda Shick with here award, Oct. 27, 2010.
Fox Rothschild Race Judicata 5-K, July 21, 2010
The Bucks County Bar Association (BCBA) will be holding the Fox Rothschild Race Judicata 5-K on July 21, 2010, to benefit the Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania. Click here for more information on this initiative of the BCBA's Charitable Foundation.
Bucks County Pro Bono Options, 2010
County Bar Pro Bono Contacts
Pro Bono Opportunities in Bucks County
March 2006 County Bar Recognition Award
2009 Reception Honors Pro Bono Lawyers
In tandem with the National Pro Bono Celebration, on Oct. 28 the Bucks County Bar Association's (BCBA) Pro Bono Committee hosts its annual reception to honor attorneys who have provided pro bono legal assistance to the residents of the county. Elissa Heinrichs, chair of the BCBA Pro Bono Committee, is coordinating the event. For more information, contact Heinrichs at [email protected].
2006 Pro Bono Service in Mississippi
The Bucks County Bar Association sponsored a pro bono service trip to the stricken communities of the Waveland, Miss., area April 22-29, 2006. The BCBA effort was in conjunction with the Bucks-Mont Katrina Relief Project. Bucks County community leaders provided money and services to the people of the Gulf Coast. In fact, there was a groundbreaking ceremony in Waveland/Bay St. Louis on April 24 for the child care center that was designed, constructed and financed entirely by the citizens involved in the Bucks-Mont Katrina Relief Project. Twenty-five Bucks County lawyers traveled to Waveland to assist other rescue operations personnel in rebuilding the totally devastated Hancock County Courthouse in Waveland/Bay St. Louis.