'Serving Those Who Served' Seminar, April 29, 2016
Sponsored by Penn State Fayette, the Fayette County Bar Association and the Westmoreland Bar Association, a seminar titled �Serving Those Who Served: Veteran Benefits, Programs and Legal Issues� is being held at Penn State Fayette on April 29. Get more information about the event.
Persin Receives 2012 Pro Bono Award, Dec. 3, 2012
Dennis Persin was presented with a 2012 PBA Pro Bono Award during a pro bono meeting in Pittsburgh, Dec. 3. Pictured below are, from left, Allegheny County Bar Association Public Service Committee Chair Jonathan S. McAnney, Persin and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David J. Trevaskis. Read Trevaskis's remarks at the presentation.

Read �the sidebar� Column of April 2010 on How County Lawyers Rose to a Pro Bono Challenge
Westmoreland County Pro Bono Options, 2010

2009 PBA Pro Bono Award to Terence O'Halloran (pictured above are O'Halloran and Iva Munk, county program coordinator, with the award)
Terence O'Halloran Named 2007 Pro Bono Attorney of the Year
Pro Bono Expansion
County Bar Contact Information
Notice to Landlord
Tenant Notice
Landlord/Tenant Mediation Program
March 2005 County Bar Recognition Award