Monroe County�s Martino Receives 2015 Pro Bono Award, March 11, 2016
David Martino, Monroe County�s 2015 PBA Pro Bono Volunteer of the Year, was honored with the award presentation during the Monroe County Bar Association�s quarterly meeting at Stroudsmoor Country Inn on March 11. Surrounded by fellow MCBA members, the Brodheadsville lawyer accepted accolades from MCBA Pro Bono Chair Mark Primrose, who said, �The word no is not in his [Martino�s] vocabulary.� A man of few words, Martino�s fluent generosity was evident over the past three years during which he provided free services to eight cases for Stroudsburg-based civil legal aid organization North Penn Legal Services (NPLS), compiling more than 25 hours assisting low-income county residents in need. Calling Martino, �A very kind and compassionate attorney,� NPLS Stroudsburg manager Jim Butz said Martino �does an exceptional job on a very consistent basis.� Primrose closed with thanks to Martino for �setting an example for us all.� Shown below (photo at left), Martino accepts the award and (photo at right) MCBA Pro-Bono Chair Mark Primrose congratulates Martino.

Monroe County Pro Bono Options, January 2016
Get information on the pro bono effort in Monroe County.
Monroe County Bar Association CLE: Unemployment Issues for the Pro-Bono Attorney, May 6, 2014
Find out more about the 2014 event. Review the following handouts: Notice of Hearing; List of Issues; Continuance of Hearing. View photos from the 2013 session.
Monroe County: Annual "RACE JUDICATA" Law Day 5-Mile Race and 5K Fun-Run/Walk, May 8, 2011
Monroe County Bar Association Second Annual Pro Bono Conference March 2, 2011
The Second Annual Pro Bono Conference sponsored by the Monroe County Bar Association is rescheduled for Wednesday, March 2, due to bad weather on the original Jan. 12 date. All else remains the same--the event is still at The Cramer Room, Burnley Employment and Rehabilitation Services in Stroudsburg, Pa. The Monroe County Bar Association Pro Bono Conference agenda begins with a buffet lunch at 11:30 AM. The following four sessions will be conducted by local presenters. The sessions include �Act 91 and Home Loan Modification�, �Home Mortgage Foreclosure Defense�, Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation�, and �Bankruptcy�. Victoria Coyle, Executive Director from North Penn Legal Services (NPLS) will close the conference with remarks on pro bono services.
"We�re pleased to be able to present a program of legal education in an area of the law that impacts so many members of our community and to do so using the food services of a program as worthwhile as Burnley Employment and Rehabilitation Services," said Jeffrey J. Kash, Esq., Chair of the MCBA Pro Bono Committee. The Monroe County Bar Association Pro Bono Conference is free to those attorneys who agree to accept two pro bono cases during the year 2011. The referrals for the pro bono cases will be made through North Penn Legal Services. Cost to attend the Pro Bono Conference (to those who do not want to accept two pro bono cases) is $250.00. This program has been approved for 3 Substantive CLE credits.
To register for the Monroe County Bar Association Pro Bono Conference, call Susan Kenny at 570-242-7288.
Monroe County Hosts 2nd Annual Pro Bono Conference, Jan. 12, 2011
Monroe County Pro Bono Options, 2010
Monroe County Bar Association Presents First Annual Pro Bono Conference on Jan. 12, 2010.
MCBA Pro Bono Services Resolution.