Friel of Delaware County Receives 2017 Pro Bono Award, Jan 20, 2017
PBA President Sara Austin joined Delaware County lawyers in celebrating the pro bono service of Karen Friel on Jan. 20, 2017. Austin honored Friel, a solo practitioner with a concentration in family law, general estate work, and criminal law, for accepting countless pro bono cases, primarily in the area of custody, and for generously volunteering her time and talent to help those in need. Friel also regularly accepts appointments from the court to handle criminal defense and Children and Youth cases. Prior to starting her own practice, Friel worked as a public defender from 1984-88, and she was an associate at the law firm of Banks, Banks and Langsam from 1982-84. Shown below, from left: Tom Kerstan, pro bono coordinator, Legal Aid of Southeast Pennsylvania; Karen Friel, 2017 PBA Pro Bono Award winner; Sara A. Austin, PBA president; David Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator; and Elizabeth Fritsch, executive director, Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania

New Expungement Statute and Recent Amendment to Permit Sealing of Criminal Records, Oct. 25, 2016
3:30 p.m.; Delaware County Bar Association Auditorium, 335 West Front Street, Media. Contact: Nancy Ravert Ward, [email protected], 610-566-6625, ext. 222. Reception for pro bono volunteers to follow.
Legal Aid and Pro Bono in Delaware County, 2016
Discussing Pro Bono on 'Joy in Our Town Philadelphia,' Dec. 4, 2015
William Baldwin, executive director of the Delaware County Bar Association, and Jackie Csop, DCBA pro bono coordinator, discussed pro bono service with host Kelly Waldeyer on the Philadelphia WGTW-TV 48 program "Joy in Our Town Philadelphia." Watch the program on YouTube at
Wills for Heroes Clinic, Nov. 21, 2015
The Pennsylvania Bar Association Young Lawyers Division and the Wills for Heroes Foundation, with sponsorship by Ballard Spahr LLP, are hosting upcoming events across Pennsylvania. At these events, free wills and powers of attorney are prepared for police officers, firefighters and other first responders who risk their lives every day to make sure our communities are safe. Programs are staffed by lawyer volunteers and are conveniently offered to first responders at meeting halls and police and fire stations. On Saturday, Nov. 21, volunteer lawyers will be conducting a Wills for Heroes Program for all active and retired Pennsylvania first responders, all sworn personnel and their spouses/significant others as well as Pennsylvania military veterans (please note that proof of affiliation or DD214 will be requested at the event). The event will be held at the City of Chester Fire Department, Station #82, 320 E. 14th Street, Chester, beginning at 11:00 a.m. If you have questions about the program, contact Sandy Romaszewski at [email protected] or Carolyn Capobianco at [email protected].
Pro Bono Public Seminar 'Expungement,' Oct. 15, 2014
The Delaware County Bar Association will be holding a CLE program titled Pro Bono Public Seminar "Expungement" on Oct. 15, 2014, at 6 p.m.

Presentation of 2013 PBA Pro Bono Award to Richard M. Lutz at the Delaware County Bar Association Summer Pro Bono Reception, June 25, 2014

Pictured above are Chadds Ford attorney Donald J. Weiss (right) and Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Seamus P. McCaffery being honored at a 2012 celebration of a unique Delaware County pro bono partnership between the Media-situated Pennsylvania Veterans Museum and local lawyers. The Veterans Tax Program is a pro bono initiative that annually serves about 50 retired veterans, many from the Korean War. The program is geared toward trying to help those vets who most need the help, with most being older than 75 and having marginal income. The program works this way:
- 1. The museum does the advertising for the vets.
- 2. The vets register with the museum.
- 3. The museum emails Don Weiss the name and phone number of the vet.
- 4. The Delaware County Bar Association does a blast to get volunteers from the bar association, and Weiss also sends emails to CPAs and public accountants. This blast starts sometime in December and January.
- 5. Volunteers are assigned vets and they contact each of their assigned vets.
- 6. As more vets sign up, volunteers add to their lists and contact the new vets.
- 7. The volunteers contact the vets directly to set up a meeting or somehow get their tax information.
- 8. There is follow-up with the volunteers to make sure they have contacted their vets.
- 9. Tax services are provided to the vets by the volunteers.
For more information, please contact Donald J. Weiss, 6 Hilloch Lane, Chadds Ford, Pa. 19317; Ph: 610-459-8074; Fax: 610-459-8653; [email protected].
Widener Law School's Medical-Legal Partnership Project in Chester, 2013
Delaware County Pro Bono Gold Card
Delaware County Bar Expands Pro Bono Efforts, Summer 2012
Pennsylvania Veterans Museum Law Clinic Wills for Veterans Event, Media, Pa., March 24, 2012
Fundraiser for Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania, Sept. 15, 2011
Delaware County Pro Bono Options, 2010
2009 Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network (PLAN) Excellence Awardee: Elizabeth C. Price
County Bar Contact Information
Community Impact Legal Services, INC.
March 2005 County Bar Recognition Award