MidPenn Legal Services 2015-16 Fact Sheet, Posted January 2017
The legal-aid provider in Berks County is MidPenn Legal Services. Read the overview of the MidPenn's services to counties in 2015-16. Read the report on MidPenn's services in Berks County in 2015-16.

PBA Pro Bono Awards Presented Oct. 27, 2015
PBA Pro Bono Awards were presented during the Berks County Bar Association (BCBA) Pro Bono Celebration/CLE Seminar on Oct. 27. Recipients Bridget Cambria, Carol Anne Donohoe and Jacquelyn M. Kline were recognized for their legal work in support of mothers and children seeking asylum in the Berks County Residential Center. Pictured above, from left, are BCBA President Jesse L. Pleet, PBA President William H. Pugh V, keynote speaker Edgar Cahn, Kline, Donohoe and Cambria.
CLE Seminar/Pro Bono Celebration, Oct. 27, 2015
The Berks County Bar Association will be holding it's CLE Seminar - Pro Bono Celebration on Oct. 27, 12:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m., at The Inn at Reading, 1040 N. Park Rd., Wyomissing. This event is only available to registered bar association members. Program agenda: Luncheon; seminar, "Language Access to the Courts: The Proper Utilization of Court Interpreters" (1 hour substantive CLE); seminar, "The Intersection of Housing and Consumer Law" (1 hour substantive CLE). Reception to start at 4 p.m.
Lawrence J. Valeriano Jr. of Berks County Receives 2014 Pro Bono Award, November 2014
Read Valeriano's remarks.
Berks County Bar Association Pro Bono Celebration and Seminars, Oct. 21, 2014
The Berks County Bar Association will be holding a variety of events at the Abraham Lincoln Hotel, Reading, on Oct. 21, 2014, 11:45 a.m.-6 p.m. CLE events include the following:
Finding Trees in the Forest - Spotting Consumer Law Claims in Legal Aid or Pro Bono Intake: 1:30-3 p.m. Clients who present to Legal Services offices or pro bono counsel often present with an array of consumer law issues, from Fair Debt and Fair Credit Reporting to Repossession issues. This program will help you spot potential violations to better represent your low income client. Most consumer laws allow for statutory attorney fees. Learn which ones and how to present and maximize a counsel fee petition. Speaker(s): Carey L. Flitter, Esq., Flitter Lorenz, P.C. This program is free to Pro Bono Team members. (1 hr. substantive and .5 hr. ethics CLE)
Job Readiness: Establishing a Statewide Pro Bono Expungement Program: 3:15-4:45 p.m. This seminar will explore what is being done today and what might be done in the future to handle expungements across the commonwealth. Representatives from the District Attorney and MidPenn Legal Services Offices will share how things work in Berks County as part of this program. The speaker promises prizes. Speaker(s): David Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator. This program is free to Pro Bono Team Members. (1 hr. substantive and .5 hr. ethics)
Get the event schedule.

Gray Honored with PBA Pro Bono Award at Reading Event, Oct. 23, 2013
Sharon L. Gray was recognized for her pro bono efforts with a PBA 2013 Pro Bono Award during the Berks County Bar Association�s Pro Bono Awards Ceremony in Reading, Oct. 23, 2013, with PBA President Forest N. Myers on hand. Shown above, Frank Mulligan, left, a law firm partner of Gray�s, accepts the award on her behalf from Myers. Read Gray�s pro bono profile. Read Myers' remarks.
Berks County Bar Pro Bono Week Luncheon and CLE, Oct. 23, 2013
The Berks County Bar hosted its annual celebration of legal aid and pro bono service on Oct. 23. Click here for the PowerPoint titled "Listening for Lawyers."
Limited Appearance Withdrawal
Berks County form for Withdrawal for Limited Representation, as posted here April 2013.
Gov. Thornburgh, PBA President Wilkinson and PBA Pro Bono Office Take Part in 2012 Pro Bono Week Celebration in Berks County, Oct. 23
Former Pennsylvania governor and U.S. Attorney General Dick Thornburgh was the keynote speaker for the Recognition of the Berks Pro Bono Team luncheon and seminar in Reading during 2012 National Pro Bono Week on Oct. 23. Access the program for the event, which included a PBA Pro Bono Award presentation to Wyomissing lawyer Amy B. Good by PBA President Thomas G. Wilkinson Jr. and CLE seminars by PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David K. Trevaskis. Read Thornburgh's remarks; read Wilkinson's remarks.

Shown at the Berks County event are, from left, county bar President Frederick K. Hatt, Gov. Thornburgh and PBA President Wilkinson

From left, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David K. Trevaskis, PBA Pro Bono Award recipient Amy B. Good and PBA President Wilkinson
Hope for the Holiday Toy Drive, Deadline Dec. 15, 2011
The York County Bar Association/Foundation, the Berks County Bar Association and the Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center (PIRC) want to help ensure that the children housed at the Berks Family Shelter receive a gift in celebration of the upcoming holidays. Click here for information on how to donate.
MidPenn Legal Services Berks County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2014-15
MidPenn Legal Services Program-Wide Fact Sheet, FY 2014-15
MidPenn Legal Services Berks County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2010-11
MidPenn Legal Services Program-Wide Fact Sheet, FY 2010-11
Child Advocacy Program Offers Three Hours of CLE, May 17, 2011
MidPenn Legal Services Berks County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2009-10
MidPenn Legal Services Program-Wide Fact Sheet, FY 2009-10
Berks County Pro Bono Options, 2010
MidPenn Legal Services Berks County Office Fact Sheet, FY 2008-09
MidPenn Legal Services Program-Wide Fact Sheet, FY 2008-09
2010 National Pro Bono�Week
County Bar Joins in 2009 National Pro Bono Celebration
In tandem with the National Pro Bono Celebration, the Berks County Bar Association (BCBA) has scheduled a special luncheon and an afternoon of seminars for Oct. 27, 2009, to celebrate 40 years of legal services in Berks County and to honor the BCBA's pro bono program participants. Senior Judge Wettick will be the keynote speaker and Judge John Jones will be helping with a seminar. Also, Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray (one of the first EDs of the local program) will be on hand. The BCBA will be inviting all of the Berks County alumni of Tri-County, Central Penn and MidPenn Legal Services to this event. BCBA ED Don Smith is coordinating the event. For more information, contact Smith at [email protected]. Click here for the program agenda.
County Pro Bono Information Sheet, 2007

Sept. 12, 2006: Pro Bono Awards brings local bar and legal aid leaders together in Berks County.