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Call for the Formation of an ACBA Military and Veterans Affairs Committee

The ACBA requests your support for the formation of a Military and Veterans Affairs Committee. Presently, there is no formal centralized effort in the ACBA to coordinate activities and execute plans regarding the broad range of civil legal matters affecting active and reserve military personnel, national guardsmen, retirees, veterans' and their families residing and working in Allegheny County.

The mission of the committee will be to study legal issues affecting military personnel, to develop programs to ensure adequate legal representation for active service members and veterans, and to coordinate referral lists within Allegheny County of ACBA members willing to provide legal assistance for military personnel.

This committee will serve as a focal point for all civilian and military attorneys practicing in Allegheny County. It will be the liaison between the newly formed PBA Military and Veterans Affairs Committee, the ABA/PBA Legal Assistance for Military Personnel (LAMP) programs and other county bar associations.

REQUEST FOR SUPPORT: The ACBA does not have a current list of members who practice law or who have interests in the areas of Military and Veterans Affairs. In order to form this committee, the ACBA is requesting interested members to contact David Blaner, executive director at [email protected] or (412) 402-6601 or Lorrie K. Albert, pro bono coordinator at [email protected] or (412) 402-6677.