(Nov. 24, 2003) � The Pennsylvania Bar Association Health Care Law Committee
honored Pittsburgh lawyer Michael A. Cassidy of the Tucker Arensberg law firm
on Nov. 20 with the 2003 �Excellence in Health Care Law Award� during a
luncheon held in Harrisburg. This award is presented to a health care law
attorney whose expertise and professionalism demonstrate the best of the legal
�Michael has made important and long-lasting
contributions to the health law practice area,� said PBA Health Care Law
Committee Vice Chair Paul Troy. �His is an active member of the PBA Health Care
Law Committee and has a distinguished record of service.�
Chair of Tucker Arensberg�s Healthcare
Practice Group, Cassidy has extensive experience in third party reimbursement,
managed care contracting, fraud and abuse, medical staff credentialing issues,
regulatory compliance and tax-exempt organizations issues. His practice also
includes fundamental business transactions relating to the formation,
governance and acquisition of healthcare entities.
In addition to serving on the Pennsylvania Bar
Association Health Care Law Committee, Cassidy is a past chair and current
council member of the Allegheny County Bar Association Health Law Section and
is a past board member of the Pennsylvania Society of Healthcare Attorneys.
Cassidy also is a member of the American Health Lawyers Association, serving as
vice chair of the CPR Committee and editor of the CPR Committee newsletter.
An accomplished author, Cassidy has written
and lectured on health law issues for the American Health Lawyers Association,
the Pennsylvania Bar Institute, the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public
Accountants and numerous state and county medical societies and bar
Cassidy is licensed to practice in
Pennsylvania and West Virginia and is admitted to practice before the U.S.
Supreme Court. He is a graduate of Brown University and the University of
Pittsburgh School of Law.