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HARRISBURG (Feb.12, 2003) � The Pennsylvania Bar Association Judicial Evaluation Commission (PBA JEC) today released its third round of ratings of potential judicial candidates seeking election to the state�s appellate courts in November. Candidates were eligible to receive a rating of �Highly Recommended,� � Recommended� or �Not Recommended.�

The candidates for whom ratings were announced had requested to be evaluated by the PBA JEC. The Commission released ratings of other potential candidates on Jan. 22 and Jan. 27.

The ratings are:
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania �
Highly Recommended

Judge Max Baer, Allegheny County
Judge John W. Herron, Philadelphia County

Superior Court of Pennsylvania �
Highly Recommended

Judge Thomas A. Wallitsch, Lehigh County

For the 2003 election, there will be a total of four open seats at the appellate level, with one vacancy on the Supreme Court and three vacancies on the Superior Court.

�The PBA JEC is extremely pleased with the high level of interest shown by potential candidates to participate in our evaluation process,� said Philadelphia lawyer Michael A. Bloom, chair of the PBA JEC. �When citizens enter the voting booth in the May primary, they will be faced with a long list of candidates from which to choose. It is the PBA JEC�s job to provide the guidance and information needed to help voters make informed choices when they select candidates for Pennsylvania�s judiciary.�

The PBA JEC based its ratings for each candidate on a two-part evaluation process. Investigative panels conducted the first phase of the process through personal interviews with the candidates and with individuals who have had professional or personal dealings with them. Upon completion of the interviews, the panels submitted confidential reports to the Commission.

Upon receipt and review of the investigative panel�s report, the Commission conducted the second phase of the evaluation process. The Commission interviewed each candidate in Harrisburg, discussed his or her qualifications and reached consensus on each candidate�s rating.

The ratings released Jan. 22 and Jan. 27 for potential candidates were:
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania �
Highly Recommended

Judge Maureen Lally-Green, Butler County
Judge Joan Orie Melvin, Allegheny County
Judge Cheryl L. Allen, Allegheny County
Charles J. Cunningham Esq., Philadelphia County
Judge Jeffrey A. Manning, Allegheny County
Judge Paul P. Panepinto, Philadelphia County

Superior Court of Pennsylvania �
Highly Recommended

Judge Mark I. Bernstein, Philadelphia County
C. Grainger Bowman Esq., Cumberland County
Judge William J. Manfredi, Philadelphia County
Judge Jack A. Panella, Northampton County

Charles J. Cunningham Esq., Philadelphia County
Judge Cyrus Palmer Dolbin, Schuylkill County
Judge John J. Driscoll, Westmoreland County
M. Richard Dunlap Esq., Allegheny County
Susan Peikes Gantman Esq., Montgomery County
Judge Marilyn J. Horan, Butler County
Judge Seamus P. McCaffery, Philadelphia County
Dennis E. Reinaker Esq., Lancaster County
Timothy J. Schweers Esq., Allegheny County
Claude A. Lord Shields Esq., Schuylkill County
Judge John W. Thompson, York County
David N. Wecht Esq., Allegheny County
Judge William Harvey Wiest, Northumberland County

Serving with Bloom in the leadership of the PBA JEC is New Castle lawyer Richard E. Flannery as vice chair. Lawyer members include Samuel T. Cooper III of Dauphin County; Chris F. Gillotti of Allegheny County; Lucille Marsh of Lackawanna County; John R. McGinley Jr. of Allegheny County; Steven E. "Tim" Riley Jr. of Erie County; Jeffrey Rotwitt of Philadelphia County; Kathryn Lease Simpson of Dauphin County; John F. Stoviak of Philadelphia County; and Louis N. Teti of Chester County. Lay members are Ann Amore of Montgomery County; Christine James-Brown of Philadelphia; Pamela J. Mayer of Westmoreland County; Jane G. Pepper of Delaware County; Lawrence J. Rhoades of Westmoreland County; and R. Thomas Williamson of Lawrence County.

The Pennsylvania Bar Association is a professional organization that represents 27,000 lawyers across the commonwealth.

Editor�s Note: Ratings and descriptive paragraphs issued on Jan. 22, Jan. 27 and Feb.12 are listed below. Redacted copies of the questionnaires submitted by the candidates can be obtained from the PBA.

Highly Recommended: The candidate possesses the highest combination of legal ability, experience, integrity and temperament, and would be capable of outstanding performance as a judge or justice of the court for which he/she is a candidate.

Recommended: Based on legal ability, experience, integrity and temperament, the candidate would be able to perform satisfactorily as a judge or justice of the court for which he/she is a candidate.

Not Recommended: Based on legal ability, experience, integrity or temperament, or any combination thereof, at the present time, the candidate is inadequate to perform satisfactorily as a judge or justice of the court for which he/she is a candidate.


Judge Cheryl L. Allen
Supreme Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate has served as a judge on the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County since 1990. She has extensive experience in the Juvenile Section of the Family Division and is regarded as one of the best judges in that Division. Prior to serving as a judge, she was a staff attorney with Neighborhood Legal Services, the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission and an Assistant Allegheny County Solicitor. She enjoys an excellent reputation in the legal community for her judicial temperament, compassion, character and integrity. She has been actively engaged for many years in public service and community involvement and has received numerous awards and recognition for her efforts on behalf of children and families. The Candidate has a strong commitment to improving the administration of justice for individuals and society as a whole. The Commission believes that the Candidate has the judicial skills and experience necessary to serve as a Supreme Court Justice.

Judge Max Baer
Supreme Court
Rating: Highly Recommended
The Candidate has been a member of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County since December 1989. While on the Court, he has served in the Juvenile, Family and Civil Divisions. Within the Family Division, from 1993 until 1999, he was the Administrative Judge responsible for many of the key reforms that changed the face of that court. These changes included the creation of a new home for the Family Division in the former Allegheny County Jail, an increase in the number of judges in the division, the creation of the position of hearing officer, the adoption legal services project, court appointed special advocates, improvements in background checks, one judge - one family assignments, night court, and pro se motions court, among other innovative initiatives. He has written extensively about family court issues. In the Civil Division, he has a reputation for being able to handle tough cases fairly and appropriately. The Candidate�s legal opinions have been described as intellectual, meaty and informative. He clearly possesses the requisite legal analysis and scholarship required of an appellate court judge. Moreover, the Candidate has developed a record as an innovator, problem solver and a student of public policy. The Commission believes that the Candidate is capable of outstanding performance as a Justice of the Supreme Court and highly recommends him for that position.

Charles J. Cunningham, Esquire
Supreme Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate has been in the private practice of law since 1986. Prior to that time, he worked for the Philadelphia District Attorney�s Office for a thirteen-year period where he served in both the trial and appellate divisions. He has extensive trial and litigation experience in a variety of areas. He has earned a reputation among his peers as being thoughtful, knowledgeable, deliberative, hard working, fair, intelligent, insightful and attentive. He has a strong record of community involvement. The Candidate�s experience, calm demeanor and temperament, coupled with his intellect and ability to grasp the issues, render him competent to fulfill the demanding responsibilities of a Supreme Court Justice.

Judge John W. Herron
Supreme Court
Rating: Highly Recommended
The Candidate has been a lawyer in private practice and served for 12 years as Assistant Disciplinary Counsel in Charge; Deputy Chief Counsel and Chief Disciplinary Counsel in the Commonwealth. In 1987, following a stint in the District Attorney�s Office, he was appointed and then elected to serve on the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County. He has served with distinction for nearly 15 years on the Court holding assignments in both the Criminal and Civil Sections and the Orphans� Court. From 1996 until 2002, he served as the Administrative Judge of the Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas Trials Division, supervising 900 employees and 73 judges. His administration was widely lauded for innovations that improved both the efficiency of the court and the treatment of those who come before it�all done while carrying a full trial load as one of only two judges on the newly formed Commerce Court program. The Candidate is intelligent, fair, unbiased and respectful of counsel, jurors, parties and witnesses. His legal knowledge is impressive and he is quick to perceive issues, extremely well prepared and writes with skill, compassion and insight. His extensive and broad experience, when combined with his distinguished administrative background and thoughtful and caring approach to issues of judicial policy enabled the Commission to conclude that the Candidate would serve with distinction as a Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice and finds him highly recommended.

Judge Maureen Lally-Green
Supreme Court
Rating: Highly Recommended
The Candidate was appointed as a Judge of the Superior Court in 1998 and elected to a ten-year term in 1999. Her prior legal experience includes teaching at Duquesne University School of Law since 1983, the practice of law in the areas of securities, business and corporations and service as a research associate and consultant to the Supreme Court. The Candidate�s diverse legal background makes her exceptionally well qualified for a position on the Supreme Court. She has written extensively and both her legal articles and opinions are thoughtful and scholarly. She is viewed as exceptionally intelligent, very disciplined and hard working. Her judicial temperament and impartiality in her decision-making are beyond reproach. She deals with counsel with fairness, courtesy and respect. The Commission believes that the Candidate has the breadth of community and legal experience and skills to serve with distinction as a Justice of the Supreme Court.

Judge Jeffrey A. Manning
Supreme Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate has extensive experience in both civil and criminal law having served as an Assistant District Attorney, Assistant U.S. Attorney and then as Senior Litigation Counsel. He currently serves as a judge in the Criminal Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County. He possesses strong administrative skills and substantial teaching experience. He has authored numerous articles and opinions which are well written, appropriately researched, comprehensive and understandable to both the lawyer and the layperson. The Candidate is known as a person of integrity with a keen intellect, and an excellent work ethic. He is regarded as being fair to litigants and lawyers who appear before him. Especially noteworthy is his love for the law. The Commission believes that the Candidate�s experience, intellect, energy and enthusiasm would enable him to perform the very demanding duties of a Supreme Court Justice.

Judge Joan Orie Melvin
Supreme Court
Rating: Highly Recommended
The Candidate has the noteworthy history of having served on three levels of the judiciary; Magistrate�s Court in Pittsburgh, the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas and the Pennsylvania Superior Court. She has served with distinction in each of these courts. As a city magistrate, she created and implemented a Domestic Violence Court which has become a model for similar courts across the country. In the Common Pleas Court, she earned a reputation as a hard-working, dedicated and well-respected judge, known uniformly to be fair, considerate and unbiased. During her tenure on the Superior Court, she has extended her reputation for hard work, good judicial temperament, and legal scholarship. She also has continued her interest in judicial administration, most notably by encouraging and advancing procedures to expand the number of published opinions. Her broad experience, outstanding and well-earned reputation and her history of innovation in matters of the administration of justice and furtherance of the legal process make her an outstanding candidate for the position of Justice of the Supreme Court.

Judge Paul P. Panepinto
Supreme Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate has been a member of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia since 1990. Judge Panepinto is knowledgeable and a good communicator and has an excellent reputation as a jurist. He couples that with extensive administrative experience. As Administrative Judge of the Family Court in Philadelphia for five years, he is credited with developing several innovative programs including a truancy program that has become a national model. The Candidate exhibits energy, thoughtfulness and innovation in facilitating improvement to the administration of justice. He also demonstrates solid consensus developing skills in a user-friendly and accessible fashion. He possesses the requisite legal knowledge and good judicial temperament and blends them with personal and administrative skills that enable the Commission to recommend him to serve as a Justice of the Supreme Court.


Judge Mark I. Bernstein
Superior Court
Rating: Highly Recommended
The Candidate has served as a Common Pleas Judge in Philadelphia County for 16 years, having first been appointed by former Governor Casey in early 1987, elected later in 1987 for a 10-year term, and retained in 1997 for a second 10-year term. Prior to serving as a judge, the Candidate served as an Assistant Public Defender for the City of Philadelphia and a civil litigator, and also as a solo practitioner and partner in a law firm. He is intelligent, thoughtful, candid, and scholarly, and demonstrates superior writing ability, knowledge of the law and judicial temperament. The Candidate has a record and reputation for excellent character and integrity and has demonstrated sound judgment in his professional life. He has been innovative and instrumental in helping to greatly reduce case backlog and effect the settlement of cases in Philadelphia County. He also has a strong desire to improve the quality of justice in the Commonwealth. He has written extensively for various publications and is active in his community. The Commission concludes that the Candidate would bring commitment, enthusiasm, perspective, legal knowledge and depth of experience to the Superior Court.

C. Grainger Bowman, Esquire
Superior Court
Rating: Highly Recommended
The Candidate has extensive experience in both State and Federal court. He has practiced law since 1972 and has enjoyed a diverse career. He has served as an Assistant District Attorney, an Assistant Legal Officer in the Judge Advocate Corps, a law clerk instructor and practitioner. This Commission previously rated the Candidate as Highly Recommended for an open position on the Commonwealth Court. The Commission believes that the skill sets that resulted in the Candidate�s receiving this rating for the Commonwealth Court are transferable to the Superior Court and that the Candidate�s qualities of judicial temperament, legal ability, independence and fairness that were found to exist in his earlier candidacy are applicable equally here. His fellow practitioners give the candidate exceptional recommendations for civility, confidence, fairness, integrity and industry. His writing is persuasive, erudite and thorough. The Commission believes that the Candidate would serve with distinction on the Superior Court.

Charles J. Cunningham, Esquire
Superior Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate has been in the private practice of law since 1986. Prior to that time, he worked for the Philadelphia District Attorney�s Office for a thirteen-year period where he served in both the trial and appellate divisions. Mr. Cunningham has extensive experience in a broad variety of litigation matters. He is a skilled litigator and writer whose work product is thoughtful, appropriately rendered and clearly written. He has earned a stellar reputation among his peers for his abilities, thoughtfulness and fairness. The Candidate has a record and reputation for excellent character and integrity and sound temperament. He has demonstrated good professional judgment and a devotion and long-time commitment to improving the quality of justice. He also has a commendable record of community involvement. Based on his legal ability, integrity and temperament, the Commission believes that the Candidate would perform well as a Judge of the Superior Court.

Judge Cyrus Palmer Dolbin
Superior Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate has served on the Court of Common Pleas in Schuylkill County for almost twelve years, and during his tenure he has earned a reputation of being an excellent jurist. His service on the court, in addition to his prior experience in private practice and as an Assistant District Attorney, has provided him with a breadth of experience and knowledge of the law particularly suited for service on the Superior Court. Judge Dolbin is well respected and he is regarded as conscientious, honest, diligent, decisive, and fair. His extensive legal knowledge, his keen intellect, and his unbiased temperament, as well as his proven judicial ability, all are qualities that the Commission believes will enable Judge Dolbin to fulfill the demanding responsibilities of a Superior Court Judge.

Judge John J. Driscoll
Superior Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate has served as a member of the Court of Common Pleas of Westmoreland County since 1994. He then was elected to a ten-year term in 1995. The Candidate has extensive experience in areas of law that are within the jurisdiction of the Superior Court. He has served in the Family, Criminal and Juvenile Divisions of the Court of Common Pleas. Before his appointment as a Judge, the Candidate practiced law and served as District Attorney. His private practice involved civil litigation as well as the representation of individuals and businesses in a general practice. As District Attorney, Judge Driscoll developed solid administrative and managerial skills. Members of the bar who have appeared before him give him high marks for judicial temperament, work ethic and a good grasp of legal issues. The Candidate exhibits a competent, concise and clear writing style in his opinions. He shows a dedication to the people of Pennsylvania and a heartfelt desire to serve their interests. By education, training, experience and temperament, Judge Driscoll would be suited to serve on the Superior Court.

M. Richard Dunlap, Esquire
Superior Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate has had more than thirty years experience as a trial lawyer involved in complex litigation in state and federal courts throughout the country. He has earned an excellent reputation among his peers for commitment to the law, hard work, fairness and objectivity. While he has not had significant experience in either criminal or family law, the Commission believes that he can develop the requisite competence in those areas. In his capacity as president of his township council, he has had both quasi-judicial and administrative experience, and has fulfilled this function with commitment and responsibly. His experience, intellect and work ethic indicate that he can and would properly perform the functions of a Judge of the Superior Court.

Susan Peikes Gantman, Esquire
Superior Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate's background includes a combination of experience and knowledge which provide her with the credentials necessary to serve on the Superior Court. She has served as a law clerk, Assistant District Attorney in Montgomery County, lecturer, borough solicitor and practitioner in the private practice of law with an emphasis in domestic relations and juvenile and business law. She also has served as legal consultant to the Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth for many years. The Candidate has developed an excellent reputation for professionalism, even-handed temperament, as well as an extensive record of community involvement. She both articulates her positions and writes in a clear, thoughtful and persuasive fashion. Her professionalism, integrity, innate fairness, demeanor, enthusiasm and background enables the Commission to conclude that she would be well suited to serve on the Superior Court.

Judge Marilyn J. Horan
Superior Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate was appointed as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler County in 1996 and subsequently was elected to a ten-year term as Common Pleas Judge in Butler County. Prior to becoming a Common Pleas Judge, the Candidate engaged in a general practice in Butler County with a particular emphasis on family law matters and civil litigation. The Candidate had a distinguished academic career graduating with honors from Penn State. The Candidate has earned the highest respect from the lawyers who have handled cases before her. She receives high praise for her fairness, judicial temperament and intellect. Her opinions are well written clear explanations of her reasoning for a decision. The Candidate is a poised and thoughtful person. Her responses to questions on a wide range of topics demonstrated that she has the ability to analyze and reach a thoughtful conclusion while at the same time recognizing the merits of an opposing view. Her direct, yet gracious style would serve her well in building consensus with her colleagues on the Superior Court.

Judge William J. Manfredi
Superior Court
Rating: Highly Recommended
The Candidate has had an extensive range of legal experience as a Public Defender, solo practitioner, and then honed his service as a veteran Judge on the Court of Common Pleas of the First Judicial District in Philadelphia, where he has served with distinction for twenty years. He also has extensive administrative experience and demonstrated excellence in managing both administrative issues and complex cases to resolution. He presently is responsible for administering the Civil Trial Division, which is composed of thirty judges. The Candidate has a keen intelligence and a sincere interest in administering justice in a practical, pragmatic and intellectually consistent way. He is regarded as honest, fair, competent and very knowledgeable in the law and rules of evidence. His legal writing is particularly clear, well reasoned and well researched. The Commission believes that he would serve with distinction as a Judge of the Superior Court.

Judge Seamus P. McCaffery
Superior Court
Rating: Recommended
Judge McCaffery currently serves as the Administrative Judge of the Philadelphia Municipal Court to which he was first elected ten years ago. His life story is compelling and includes service in the military, a twenty year career as a Philadelphia police officer and a stint as a litigation associate at a large Philadelphia law firm. During his tenure on the Municipal Court, he has been appointed to hear cases in the Court of Common Pleas and has presided over both civil and criminal jury trials. As Administrative Judge of the Municipal Court, he has established innovative programs designed to improve the quality of justice and to better serve the public. Judge McCaffery�s direct demeanor and decisive manner serve him well in his current position. He is regarded as having impeccable integrity and adequate, if not very good, writing skills. The Commission believes that Judge McCaffery would bring an energetic presence and common sense approach to the work of the Superior Court and therefore recommends his candidacy.

Judge Jack A. Panella
Superior Court
Rating: Highly Recommended
The Candidate has served as a Court of Common Pleas Judge in Northampton County since 1991. He was appointed in 1991 and elected to a ten-year term in 1993. The Candidate also previously served a full four-year term, from 1997 to 2001, as Associate Judge and President Judge of the Court of Judicial Discipline for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Prior to becoming a judge, the Candidate was in private practice in Northampton County and he served as Northampton County Solicitor from 1987 to 1991 when he was appointed to Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. The Candidate is articulate, poised and very bright. He has a no-nonsense style that is highlighted by his highly responsive answers to various inquiries. The Candidate has demonstrated his judicial temperament during his tenure on the bench in Northampton County and he has demonstrated his administrative skills through his effective handling of a heavy and complex asbestos litigation docket. The Candidate also has had meaningful involvement in all substantive areas of law that regularly are addressed by the Superior Court. The Candidate�s combination of demonstrated judicial skills, intellect and judicial temperament qualify him for Highly Recommended rating.

Dennis E. Reinaker, Esquire
Superior Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate has an impressive depth and breadth of legal experience, having practiced law in central Pennsylvania for more than twenty-five years in a number of different capacities. He has served his community as both a prosecutor and a public defender, as well as a deputy Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He also has substantial experience in civil litigation, family law and municipal and land use law. His writing style is characterized by strong research and analytical abilities, and he communicates articulately and intelligently. The Candidate has demonstrated an even and measured temperament, as well as a willingness to listen to all sides of a particular argument or issue. He has an exemplary commitment to public service as a member of both a zoning hearing board and a board of commissioners for a township of the first class in Lancaster County. His comprehensive and well-rounded legal and community service, and his solid knowledge of established legal principles, make him well suited for a position on the Superior Court of Pennsylvania.

Timothy J. Schweers, Esquire
Superior Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate is an accomplished trial lawyer with experience in the representation of plaintiffs in complex product liability, medical malpractice and personal injury suits. He has gained the respect of opposing counsel and judges before whom he has appeared as a skilled advocate with the ability to conceptualize and resolve legal problems. His writing style is clean and direct. His integrity is unquestioned, and his temperament well suited to the position he seeks. He has a strong record of community involvement. While Mr. Schweers lacks significant experience in criminal and family law, which comprise a large portion of the cases which come before the Superior Court, the Commission is satisfied that he has the intellect and energy to master these areas of law. The Commission believes that the Candidate possesses those qualities that will enable him to perform as a judge of the Superior Court, and therefore recommends him for the position.

Claude A. Lord Shields, Esquire
Superior Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate has a strong academic background. While his career has included periods of private practice that have exposed the Candidate to several areas of law that would serve him well on the Superior Court, his most significant professional achievement has been to serve for sixteen years as District Attorney of Schuylkill County. He has had considerable and successful experience as a prosecutor at both the trial and appellate levels. He also served as President of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association. He has a reputation as being thoughtful and having the appropriate temperament, demeanor and decorum necessary for an appellate judicial position. The Candidate has a strong record of service in civic, community and professional organizations. The Commission has concluded that the Candidate possesses the legal ability and work ethic necessary to recommend him for a position on the Superior Court.

Judge John W. Thompson
Superior Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate has a broad range of experience and has served as a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for York County since 1998. In private practice, he has had extensive experience in representations involving education, bankruptcy ,criminal and family law. He also served as a special divorce master and as First District Attorney in York County. Judge Thompson was instrumental in the establishment of a successful and innovative three-year pilot drug program for teenagers in York County. His opinions are fully researched, clearly written and well considered. Lawyers who have appeared before him regard him as fair, impartial, reasonable and thoughtful. These qualities, coupled with his candor and accessibility make Judge Thompson well suited to serve on the Superior Court.

Judge Thomas A. Wallitsch
Superior Court
Rating: Highly Recommended
The Candidate has served with distinction as a Common Pleas Judge in Lehigh County since 1991. His service on the court, in addition to his prior work both in private practice and as Chief Public Defender of Lehigh County, has given him a broad base of legal experience and an extensive knowledge of the law. He has earned respect because of his keen intelligence, excellent writing skills, and unbiased demeanor. He is very hardworking, dependable, and diligent. As a person of integrity, the Candidate also possesses the legal knowledge, an exceptionally gifted judicial temperament, and both the personal and administrative ability to serve as an outstanding Superior Court Judge. The Candidate�s initiative, energy, intellectual curiosity and long-standing commitment to education of the bench and bar contribute to the Commission�s conclusion that the citizens of Pennsylvania would be extremely well served if the Candidate were to be elected to the Superior Court. Accordingly, the Candidate is highly recommended.

David N. Wecht, Esquire
Superior Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate has the intellectual capacity, enthusiasm, work ethic and personal energy necessary to serve as a Judge of the Superior Court. He has a pristine and impressive academic background. His legal experience has been varied, and includes public service as the elected Register of Wills in Allegheny County since 1997 (reelected in 1999), experience as an adjunct professor at Duquesne University School of Law and as a general practitioner with a diverse, private practice with a strong litigation emphasis. His experience as Register of Wills demonstrates solid administrative ability, a commitment to service delivery and a dedication to the administration of justice. His commitment to public and community service is noteworthy. The Candidate is articulate, writes very well and clearly and appears deliberate and thoughtful, all strong assets that should serve him well as a Judge of Superior Court.

Judge William Harvey Wiest
Superior Court
Rating: Recommended
The Candidate has served as a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County since 1998 and has handled a wide variety of civil, criminal and juvenile matters. He was admitted to the Bar in 1971 and thereafter maintained a general law practice with a firm until ascending to the Bench. The scope of his legal writing has been limited and the quality only adequate; however, the Candidate is known to be intelligent, hard-working, people-oriented and fair-minded. He exhibits a courteous and patient approach to both lawyers and litigants. The Candidate has a reputation for excellent character and integrity and has a distinguished history of community service. He has a keen interest in and concern for youth and is involved in programs that teach young people to think, read and expand their horizons. Through diligence and hard work, the Candidate has earned the respect of his community and possesses the skills requisite to serve as a Judge of the Superior Court.