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Bylaws of the Conference of County Bar Leaders of the Pennsylvania Bar Association

Article 1 - Name

The name of the organization shall be the Conference of County Bar Leaders of the Pennsylvania Bar Association.

Article 2 - Objects and Purposes

The objects and purposes for which the Conference is established are:

  1. To establish a closer relationship between the local Bar Associations in Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Bar Association and the American Bar Association;
  2. To provide a forum for the mutual interchange of ideas among Bar Associations;
  3. To provide training, guidance, resources and assistance to local Bar Associations and their leaders;
  4. To stimulate the work of the Bar Associations generally; and
  5. To promote the standing of the legal profession and the Courts, improve the administration of justice, and improve the economic standing of the legal profession.

Article 3 - Membership

The Conference shall consist of the Presidents, Past Presidents, officers, Young Lawyer chairs, members of the Board of Directors and/or Board of Governors, and members of the Executive Committee of the local Bar Associations in Pennsylvania, who, when members of the Pennsylvania Bar Association, shall be Ipso Facto members. All members of the Pennsylvania Bar Association Board of Governors shall be members. Conference meetings, however, shall also be open to all past officers of the local Bar Associations in Pennsylvania.

Article 4 - Officers

The officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, three (3) Executive Committeemen and two (2) Immediate Past Presidents of the Conference. These officers shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Conference. The Executive Committee shall have one (1) Young Lawyers Representative who shall be a member of the Executive Committee. The Young Lawyers Representative to the Executive Committee of the Conference shall be appointed by the chair of the Pennsylvania Bar Association Young Lawyers Division.

The Executive Committee shall have one (1) Pennsylvania Association of Bar Executives (PABE) Representative who shall be a member of the Executive Committee. The PABE Representative to the Executive Committee of the Conference shall be appointed by the president of the PABE.

Article 5 - Qualifications of Officers

All officers must be voting members of the Conference as defined in Article 10 herein at the time of their election.

Article 6 - Nomination of Officers

The President shall, at least 30 days before the Annual Meeting of the Conference, appoint a Nominating Committee which shall consist of three voting members of the Conference. The Nominating Committee shall submit a report at the Annual Meeting.

Nominations may also be submitted to the Secretary of the Conference in writing in advance of the election or may be made from the floor.

Article 7 - Terms of Office

All officers of the Conference shall be elected for terms of one year.

Article 8 - Committees

The President may appoint such committees as he deems necessary, and define their duties.

The Executive Committee shall transact any business and conduct the affairs of the Conference between meetings.

Article 9 - Meetings

The Annual Meeting of the Conference shall be held in conjunction with the Annual Seminar of the Conference at a time and place selected by the Executive Committee of the Conference. Other meetings of the Conference may be held at the call of the President.

Article 10 - Voting

The right to vote on matters coming before the Conference and at the election of officers shall be limited to Past Presidents, currently elected Presidents, all currently elected officers of the local Bar Associations, Young Lawyer chairs and members of the Board of Directors and/or Board of Governors, and members of the Executive Committees of the local Bar Associations.

Article 11 - Vacancies

A vacancy occurring in any office by virtue of death or resignation may be filled by the President, and subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.

Article 12 - Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of those present and qualified to vote at any regular or special meeting of the Conference.