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2004 I Signed the Constitution Program

2004 I Signed the Constitution Program

The Pennsylvania Bar Association in partnership with the National Constitution Center and local bar associations celebrated its sixth annual I Signed the Constitution program during fall 2004. This unique national program allows students to gain a greater understanding of their rights and responsibilities by signing their names next to the signatures of our founders on a mock U.S. Constitution. The celebration is coordinated by the PBA Law-Related Education Committee.

Schools representing dozens of Pennsylvania counties participated in mock signings last year�with thousands of student signers statewide. Many local bar associations partnered with schools by helping them to sponsor signing programs. Judges and lawyers from across the commonwealth worked with schools to participate in activities. A formal kick-off program was held at the National Constitution Center on Sept. 14.

The theme for the PBA�s celebration was �Free to Make a Difference.� As Americans, we are free to speak, free to think, free to be � free. We live in a country where our government is governed by our Constitution, and the success of that process is based upon every citizen�s involvement. By voting, going to school, volunteering and working, we all have the ability, opportunity and freedom to truly make a difference.

The 2004 I Signed the Constitution Program Planning Guide, which includes new lesson plans, is still available. Click here to download the guide.