2000 I Signed the Constitution |

�I Signed the Constitution�
September 21, 2000
The Pennsylvania Bar Association, in conjunction with the National Constitution Center and the Pennsylvania Department of Education, coordinated the second annual statewide �I Signed the Constitution� program. Ninety-six schools representing 34 counties in Pennsylvania participated in this year�s signing on September 21 - with close to 35,000 student signers statewide. Many county bar associations partnered with the Pennsylvania Bar Association by helping schools to sponsor their signing programs. Judges, lawyers and legislators across the commonwealth worked with schools to participate in the activities.
The theme for this year�s program was Vote It Up! The freedoms that we enjoy as Americans are secured by the Constitution and the democratic ideals outlined in its pages. One cherished and basic freedom is the right to vote. Through our vote, the Constitution ensures that each of us has a voice in the governance of our country. With the presidential election in November, what better time than now to encourage students to Vote It Up!? Their votes can count, and their voices can be heard.
In addition to the local school program, ideas for which are detailed in the "Guide to Planning a mock constitution signing Progam in Your School," the �I Signed the Constitution� event featured a unique kick-off program that was broadcast live from the State Capitol in Harrisburg on cable television by the Pennsylvania Cable Network. This program featured Pennsylvania Deputy Secretary for Elementary & Secondary Education Thomas Carey, Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth Kim Pizzingrilli, PBA President Marvin Lieber and Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Thomas Saylor who talked with students statewide about the evolution of the Constitution with regard to voting rights. The National Constitution Center also hosted a performance of the �Four Little Pages,� which depicts the Constitution�s founders and framers at work.
Click here for the Guide to Planning a Mock Constitution Signing Program in Your School (includes Constitution-related lesson plans
To view the Guide to Planning a Mock Constitution Signing Program in Your School you will need to use Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader go to www.adobe.com.
Click here for a list of schools that participated
 I Signed the Constitution 2000
PBA President Marvin Lieber and Constitution Day Chair Craig Neely help students celebrate the PBA's 2nd annual "I Signed the Constitution Program" on Sept. 21.