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Judge Rene� Cohn Jubelirer
Rating: Recommended for Retention

The Candidate has served as a Commonwealth Court judge since January 2002. The Candidate has a reputation for being bright, engaged and a hard worker. The Candidate possesses good judicial temperament and is courteous, compassionate and impartial. She has a well-defined sense of justice and works hard to improve the quality of justice through her contribution to continuing legal education for lawyers and judges. The Candidate's legal opinions are well written and reflect a high degree of ability to interpret and apply legal principles and provide clear direction for advocates and agencies. The Candidate's service on the Commonwealth Court demonstrates her ability to fulfill the responsibilities of an appellate court judge. The commission recommends the Candidate's retention.

Read the Candidate's questionnaire.

Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt
Rating: Recommended for Retention

The Candidate has served as a Commonwealth Court judge since January 2002. She has impressed and therefore has earned the admiration and respect of the lawyers who practice in her court. She has been collegial in her dealings with other judges. The Candidate is extremely bright and articulate. Her opinions are clear and concise and demonstrate excellent critical analysis skills and outstanding legal ability. The Candidate's integrity and strength of character are evident in her decision making. She continues to provide continuing legal education to the entire legal community. Her judicial temperament is above reproach. The Candidate clearly demonstrates all of the qualities necessary to serve as an appellate judge. The commission recommends the Candidate's retention.

Read the Candidate's questionnaire.

Robert E. Simpson, Jr.
Rating: Recommended for Retention

The Candidate has served as a Commonwealth Court judge since January 2002. The Candidate's opinions contain excellent writing and reflect sound analytical abilities. He shows superior knowledge of matters that are brought to the Commonwealth Court, and he has earned the respect of lawyers and other members of the bench throughout his legal career. He is regarded as a jurist of integrity and excellent character. The Candidate clearly demonstrates all of the qualities necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of an appellate judge. The commission recommends the Candidate's retention.

Read the Candidate's questionnaire.


Kathryn Boockvar, Bucks County
Rating: Recommended

The Candidate has a varied background that includes working in a private law practice and as a legal services and public interest lawyer, most recently working on election law matters. She is regarded as bright, hard working and a zealous advocate for her clients. She communicates well. Her record of community service and bar association and professional organization activities is adequate but not extensive. She is experienced in handling cases that regularly come before the Commonwealth Court, but her appellate experience, including her experience before the Commonwealth Court, is limited. The commission finds that the Candidate possesses the legal ability, experience, integrity and temperament to perform satisfactorily as a judge of the Commonwealth Court and recommends her as a candidate for a seat on that court.

Read the Candidate's questionnaire.

Anne E. Covey, Bucks County
Rating: Recommended

The Candidate has been a member of the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board since 2002. Her legal experience is primarily representing businesses in the area of employment and labor relations. She has counseled, taught and consulted widely in matters involving this subject area. The Candidate is the author of numerous law review and law journal articles and a book, The Workplace Law Advisor. She demonstrates intelligence, writing ability, administrative experience, and judicial temperament. The commission concludes that the Candidate possesses good character, integrity and an excellent work ethic and that she would be able to perform satisfactorily as a judge on the Commonwealth Court.

Read the Candidate's questionnaire.