The attached file pulls together into one document several of the sets of information I have been reviewing concerning the needs for interpreters in Pennsylvania Courts.
I have analyzed the most recently posted PA Court Interpreter Roster (Dec. 12, 2013) to identify the numbers of authorized interpreters listed on that document and compared that information with Census Bureau American Community Survey data indicating the scope of needs of LEP individuals by Pennsylvania Judicial District and County.
Contained within the attached document is the following:
- Pennsylvania Court Interpreters by Language (Dec. 12, 2013 Roster) (2 pages). For those language groups which Census data indicates have more than 1,000 LEP individuals statewide where there are no interpreters, I have listed that language group.
- Pennsylvania Court Interpretation Roster and Examinations December 2013 (1 page) lists those languages for which interpreter certification examinations exist and the number of PA certified interpreters in those languages.
- Map displaying Pennsylvania Judicial Districts with More than 1,000 Limited English Proficient Persons (1 page)
- Breakdown by language group for each county and Judicial District in Pennsylvania as to the number of LEP individuals (12 pages)
- Census Bureau American Community Survey language groups (2 pages). This explains how the Census Bureau groups different languages.
- Also attached is the current full Interpreter Roster (including sign language interpreters).