Law Student Membership Application |
Law student membership is open to any law student in good standing who is registered in a Pennsylvania law school; who is a resident of the commonwealth and is registered in any law school accredited by the ABA; or who states a present intent to practice law in Pennsylvania after graduation from any ABA-accredited law school.
Law students who elect to receive "electronic membership" do not pay a membership fee and will receive all material via e-mail and the Members Only area of the PBA website. Students who wish to receive hard copies of PBA publications pay a one-time fee of $10. All law student members automatically become members of the PBA Law Student Division and the Young Lawyers Division.
To join the PBA as an electronic member, please use this application form. If you are interested in receiving printed publications, please contact the PBA Member Service Center at 1-800-932-0311 to pay the one-time fee of $10.