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Grassroots Contact Form

PBA Grassroots Contact

Do you have an interest in Pennsylvania State government? Are you aware of the numerous political issues facing the legal community? Would you like to help the PBA Legislative Department fight for the interests of attorneys across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania?

If you answered yes to all three questions, then sign up now to be a "grassroots contact." By agreeing to be a contact, you are willing to write and/or call you state senator or representative when an important issue affecting the legal community arises in Pennsylvania state government.

For example, in the last legislative session, the debate over caps on noneconomic damages in medical malpractice cases came to a climax in Harrisburg. Thanks to the efforts of numerous grassroots contacts already in place, the PBA was successful in defeating this issue prior to the Legislature's summer recess (for more information on the Medical Malpractice issue click here). In the coming months, the debate also will include imposing a sales tax on professional legal services. Your participation can make a difference in PBA's effort to defeat this issue (for more information on the taxation of professional legal services issue click here). There are also many other issues on which you can help.

Simply fill out the information below, and you, too, will become part of the growing grassroots network of the Pennsylvania Bar Association.

First Name:
Last Name:
Law Firm:
Zip code:
Phone Number:
E-mail Address:
Pennsylvania General Assembly
Your State Representative:
Your State Senator: