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Additional Resources

Additional resources to assist with your Law Day and Civics Education classroom lesson planning:

Newspapers in Education has developed a four-part series, Landmark Documents of the Rule of Law, for Law Day 2008. The features are meant to engage students in legal issues, while having them research and study current events in newspapers and news media outlets. The documents covered include the Magna Carta (1215); the English Bill of Rights (1689); the Constitutional Amendments (1791- ); and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).

Other Lesson Plans from Pennsylvania Teachers
The Pennsylvania Bar Association has received a number of outstanding lesson plans by teachers from across Pennsylvania. The PBA would like to thank all of the teachers and organizations that shared their ideas and expertise in these lessons. If you would like to submit a lesson plan for publication on the Web site or for consideration in future civic learning materials printed by the PBA, please forward the lesson and your contact information to [email protected].